
Category Archives: Clickin Moms

Creativity Challenge #35: Body Language

Austin lifestyle black and white photographer

Clickin Moms hosts monthly Creativity Challenges which is a wonderful way to stretch yourself artistically. February’s challenge is called “Body Language” and involves taking a photo that doesn’t include a face but conveys emotion. From Sarah Wilkerson, host of the challenge: “This month, focus on what the body alone can convey. How can you capture joy without...

2013 CM Blog Circle: January ~ Close-Up Portraiture

Austin child lifestyle black and white boy photographer

Remember the fun project I did last year with other members of Clickin Moms called The Way I View? This year we are doing it again but changing up the monthly topics. January is about Close-Up Portraiture, filling your frame with a face. Here is my image… I love the soft DOF contrasted with my son’s...

Creativity Challenge #34: The Unconventional Self-Portrait

Austin lifestyle self-portrait photographer

Clickin Moms hosts monthly Creativity Challenges which is a wonderful way to stretch yourself artistically. January’s challenge is called “The Unconventional Self-Portrait” and involved taking a self-portrait different than one just smiling in front of the camera. From Sarah Wilkerson, host of the challenge: “Get a New Perspective: Set the tripod up low (kid height) so that full...

December Self-Portrait(s) ~ Christmas Reflections and More

Austin lifestyle portrait self-portrait black and white photographer

Clickin Moms is challenging everyone to do 12 self-portraits in 2012, one for each month, and I did it!!! It’s December, and not only do I have a selfie for this month… I have three! I was taking macro shots of the Christmas tree and got this one in an ornament. I like how the ornament...


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