
December Self-Portrait(s) ~ Christmas Reflections and More

Clickin Moms is challenging everyone to do 12 self-portraits in 2012, one for each month, and I did it!!! It’s December, and not only do I have a selfie for this month… I have three!

I was taking macro shots of the Christmas tree and got this one in an ornament. I like how the ornament looks like it’s smiling. 🙂

Christmas Reflections

Austin lifestyle portrait self-portrait macro photographer ornament

Waiting on Jenny at the car mechanic… pretty light so I grabbed a shot in the vanity mirror.

Camera Selfie

Austin lifestyle portrait self-portrait black and white photographer

Testing remote shutter release with my (new-to-me) used D700 that was an upgrade this month…

Feeling Pretty

Austin lifestyle portrait self-portrait photographer

Thanks for looking! If you are curious, here are the rest of my self-portraits this year: JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober, and November. I don’t know if I’ll do this project again next year or not… it’s a vulnerable feeling getting in front of the camera. I think I’ll try to get in a photo with at least one of my children every month. Yes! I can commit to that. 🙂

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