
Tag Archives: Clickin Moms

365 in 52 [2013] ~ Week Nine

Austin nature macro snail photographer

The weather has been beautiful, trees are beginning to bud, and the birds are singing every morning. Spring is here in Austin! This week was wonderful and very busy. I played with my new 105mm macro lens a lot this week. Curtis traveled most of the week so managing Anna’s Special Olympics practices were more...

2013 CM Blog Circle: February ~ Food Photography

Austin food photographer grapes

I’m participating in a blog circle with other Clickin Moms for 2013. February is about food photography which is such a fun subject. Some of my favorite images are of food! I was hanging out at my mom’s house which has such pretty light when I realized my little snack of grapes would make a great photo....

Creativity Challenge #35: Body Language

Austin lifestyle black and white photographer

Clickin Moms hosts monthly Creativity Challenges which is a wonderful way to stretch yourself artistically. February’s challenge is called “Body Language” and involves taking a photo that doesn’t include a face but conveys emotion. From Sarah Wilkerson, host of the challenge: “This month, focus on what the body alone can convey. How can you capture joy without...

2013 CM Blog Circle: January ~ Close-Up Portraiture

Austin child lifestyle black and white boy photographer

Remember the fun project I did last year with other members of Clickin Moms called The Way I View? This year we are doing it again but changing up the monthly topics. January is about Close-Up Portraiture, filling your frame with a face. Here is my image… I love the soft DOF contrasted with my son’s...

Creativity Challenge #34: The Unconventional Self-Portrait

Austin lifestyle self-portrait photographer

Clickin Moms hosts monthly Creativity Challenges which is a wonderful way to stretch yourself artistically. January’s challenge is called “The Unconventional Self-Portrait” and involved taking a self-portrait different than one just smiling in front of the camera. From Sarah Wilkerson, host of the challenge: “Get a New Perspective: Set the tripod up low (kid height) so that full...


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