
Tag Archives: Austin macro photographer

365 in 52 [2013] ~ Week Forty-Five

I am off my game… photographically speaking. My FIL, Curt, was here all week and did SO much work but I got no photos; he and Curtis tore out all of our front shrubs and landscaping (cannot wait to get some new plants in there!), power-washed our deck and fence, replaced some broken fence boards,...

Morgan ~ Austin Newborn Photographer

I get so excited when someone I know is having a baby… it gives me a chance to photograph a newborn which is one of my favorite subjects. That newborn smell… their milia, lanugo, flaking skin, whorl of hair at the crown… I love every tiny detail. We’ve known Tom for many years and were...

365 in 52 [2013] ~ Week Forty-Two

Yippee! Another good week. Whew. When you have a behaviorally challenged child, every day is a fragile egg that threatens to crack for no reason. The sheer amount of tension we’ve been living with has been so stressful, and I can’t even imagine what it’s been like for Anna. Curtis and I met with the...

365 in 52 [2013] ~ Week Forty-One

It was finally a good week for Anna. We had a ton of incentives for her and focused on the positive (which to be honest is what we did the week before so I’m not sure exactly what was better but…) and she did it. Thank God. I was so happy for her. We went...

365 in 52 [2013] ~ Week Forty

Last week was an emotional roller coaster. Both kids stayed in school all week and it started off so well. By the end of the week, however, Anna was a mess… and so was I. Day 276 ~ From My Son Dominic comes home from school with this plant dangling roots saying, “I picked these...


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