
Category Archives: Food

365 in 52 [2013] ~ Week Thirty-Seven

Austin food photographer minion Despicable Me cupcake birthday

This week we celebrated my mom’s birthday and because Anna is so obsessed with the minions from Despicable Me, mom agreed to let me make minion cupcakes that I found on Pinterest. They turned out great and were a big hit! Dominic finally went back to school on Thursday, he missed three days last week...

My Homage to the Front Porch

Front Porch Frozen Desserts Austin food photographer

I have no problem admitting that I LOVE frozen yogurt. I have been known to drive many miles in order to get dulce de leche if a shop had it available. So one day earlier this year when I was doing some shopping, I found a new FroYo shop called the Front Porch Frozen Desserts....

2013 CM Blog Circle: February ~ Food Photography

Austin food photographer grapes

I’m participating in a blog circle with other Clickin Moms for 2013. February is about food photography which is such a fun subject. Some of my favorite images are of food! I was hanging out at my mom’s house which has such pretty light when I realized my little snack of grapes would make a great photo....

Shooting 301: Elements of Design

Austin lifestyle silhouette boy child photographer

I’ve just finished up another amazing workshop taught by Sarah Wilkerson at Clickin Moms… Shooting 301: Elements of Design. Having taken Shooting 301: Composition and Creativity in the spring, I knew I wanted to take another advanced class with Sarah to continue to learn more technical and artistic principles to apply to my photography. The Elements of Design focuses on the...

Project 52 [Twenty-Twelve]: Week 34 ~ A Sprinkling of Senses

Austin food macro donut sprinkles photographer

The My Four Hens Project 52 theme this week is the five senses! I couldn’t quite figure out how to incorporate all five into one image, but if you could imagine me saying, “Mmmm…” as I bit into this delicious donut, then we’d be covered. Taste, touch, sight, and smell… I think all of these could be...


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