
Category Archives: 2017

Macro Monday: Souvenir

New Braunfels macro photographer

Monday, October 16th, 2017 This week’s theme for the Flickr Macro Monday group is “Souvenir.” From this week’s instructions (from Alan Rust): What objects have you brought back from holiday or trip to remind you of the good/bad time you had? As simple as that, take your souvenir, get in close, really close ………. closer still and take...

Italy: Day Six ~ Capri

Italy travel street photographer

Day six in Italy! It had already been a magical vacation and we were super excited about what this day would hold… we were going to the island of Capri! One of our friends had visited Capri the year before and her photos were stunning (shout out to Andrea!). There is a cave that is...

Macro Monday: Side Lit

New Braunfels macro photographer

Monday, October 9th, 2017 This week’s theme for the Flickr Macro Monday group is “Side Lit.” From this week’s instructions (from Steve Crawford): This week’s theme is about technique rather than subject. We all know the importance of lighting in photography so this week we will have fun with side lighting. Side lighting creates drama by enhancing contrast and...

Pretty Pictures… Just Because

New Braunfels nature macro autumn leaf photographer

I haven’t been doing the Instagram #portraitsofme project for the last few weeks. There are several reasons why and I’m sure I’ll get back to it soon, but mostly, I’m just going through a bit of a funk. It will pass. So to help get out of my head, I went out to shoot for...

Italy: Day Five ~ Pompeii

Italy travel street photographer

It was the beginning of day five and we were leaving Rome. We knew for sure that we wanted to see Pompeii while in Italy and all week we had been planning on renting a car Saturday morning to drive there from Rome. But after spending a few days in Rome (and witnessing all the...


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