
Pretty Pictures… Just Because

I haven’t been doing the Instagram #portraitsofme project for the last few weeks. There are several reasons why and I’m sure I’ll get back to it soon, but mostly, I’m just going through a bit of a funk. It will pass. So to help get out of my head, I went out to shoot for myself this week. I got a few images that I really love.

The Shape of Fall

I’m part of a local photo club called the New Braunfels Photographic Society and for the monthly meeting, they ask us to shoot a new image for that month’s theme. For October the theme is leaf (or leaves) in honor of autumn. This was the image I decided to submit. I found this colorful crepe myrtle leaf that had fallen onto the palm in front of my office window. I love the juxtaposition of the vibrant color and shape of the small leaf against the palm’s clean lines.

New Braunfels nature macro autumn leaf photographer

Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/8 | 1/320 | ISO 800

Fall is Coming

On the other end of this small colorful crepe myrtle leaf were two tiny pill bugs. I’ve always liked roly-poly bugs, I think they look like microcosmic armadillos. It was a close call which of these two autumn leaf pictures was my favorite, I had to phone a friend to get another opinion (thanks, mom!).

New Braunfels nature macro autumn leaf photographer

Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/7.1 | 1/320 | ISO 1000

Dew Drops Glisten

While I was out looking for an autumn leaf (not an easy task in Central Texas where everything stays green for so long), the morning sun was shining through the dewy nut grass. I got this close-up of a singular stalk. I love how the dew creates beautiful bokeh in the background.

New Braunfels nature macro photographerNikon D750 | 105mm | f/9 | 1/320 | ISO 800

Dew in the Tall Grass

Pulling back, the morning sunrise dramatically infuses the dew-laden nut grass with the most glorious light. My mom liked this image so much, she made it her computer wallpaper!

New Braunfels nature macro photographer

Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/9 | 1/320 | ISO 800

Wicked Cool Clouds

Monday night, the moon was almost full (side note, full moons make my children crazy hence the stressful week) and the clouds were so interesting. I think this type of cloud is called cirrocumulus. The way the moon was illuminating these clouds was stunning. I wasn’t sure I could adequately capture how wicked cool the sky appeared, but I tried! It does feel like Halloween is right around the corner, doesn’t it?

New Braunfels night moon landscape photographer

Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/1.4 | 0.5sec | ISO 400

Thanks for looking! Selfie Saturday posts should start appearing again soon.



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