Day 148, Friday, May 28th, 2021
A Much Needed Cut from Brogan
It’s been so rainy here this spring that our mowing company is having hard time keeping up with demand on dry days. Our small dogs were actually getting lost in the grass this last week so we were super happy to see Brogan come on Friday to mow. They do such a great job and many of our neighbors use them too.

Day 149, Saturday, May 29th, 2021
My mom is growing snapdragons in her raised garden for the tortoises. They are volunteers in the garden having been planted a few years ago and they keep reseeding. Mom’s torts love eating them, mom says it’s one of their faves. Snapdragons take me back to my childhood. I can remember the first time mom had one “talk” to me by squeezing the throat of the bloom and watching its mouth open and close. Of course, I had to have this snapdragon say hi to me.

Day 150, Sunday, May 30th, 2021
Anna Shops for Another New Mattress
Anna has had her Level Sleep mattress since November and still finds it a bit uncomfortable. Since it has a full one year trial, we contacted them in March and they sent a foam topper to soften the experience. It did help some and she liked the bed better but not enough to justify the investment. So we contacted them again and they will be coming to pick it up at the end of June. Once we show them the donation receipt, we get our money back. We decided to go back to a standard innerspring mattress with no pillow top. Dee at the New Braunfels Mattress Store was super helpful and gave us some tips to get a comfortable bed. Anna liked a Beautyrest plush mattress best. We have 100 nights to try it out and should be getting it the end of next week.

Day 151, Monday, May 31st, 2021
Camouflaged Spider
This spider was an accidental find. We have a beautiful vine growing up the fence near the deer trough on the back fence line. It has tiny star shaped leaves with a gem-like center and that’s what I focused on when shooting. Out of the corner of my eye, I spied some legs hiding behind a big leaf so I began talking to the spider and eventually coaxed him out of hiding. I slowly changed my position and started shooting, getting closer until I was able to get 4 separate images to composite together. I missed getting the tips of his front legs in focus but overall I was pleased with the outcome. This spider was about the size of my thumb tip.

Day 152, Tuesday, June 1st, 2021
Packing for a Weekend Getaway
Curtis and I have not been away together in over a year and a half. We decided to head to Houston for a long weekend leaving Thursday and coming home Sunday. We have no set plan, sleeping in, eating out, and exploring. I started packing on Tuesday since it’s been so long and I didn’t want to forget anything. We are really looking forward to having a break from the house and the kids and being grownups together.

Day 153, Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021
Perfect Rosebud
The light was gorgeous Wednesday evening at the sun was setting. The light was streaming through the backyard and hitting a new rose bush that popped up next to the palm trees. We aren’t sure where these roses originated from but we are enjoying the beautiful color and array of blossoms. I noticed this perfect rosebud and sighed with pleasure when I saw the light. Love love love.

Day 154, Thursday, June 3rd, 2021
Me and My Booski
Anna was a little anxious about us going out of town today, so I gave her a few extra minutes of time and attention. I wanted to get a quick photo before we left so I could copy it to my laptop and post my blog Friday. I asked Anna if she would like to take a picture with me and she said yes. Look at my sweet Booski, I love her so much. She’s had a harder transition to summer than I’d like but that’s because she’s super attached to one of her job coaches, Mr. Billy. She misses him so much. I’m pretty sure Frozen and Elsa are going to take over the obsession soon. It will be nice to have a break but I will be happy to back to our routine next week.

Thanks for looking!