Day 120, Friday, April 30th, 2021
Spit Bug Juice
Spit bugs? Yes they are a real thing! Nymph spittlebugs pump bubbles into fluid that is secreted as a foamy substance during feeding. This frothy mass protects them from drying out and from enemies. They leave pockets of air bubbles in fluid all over the ground and on plants.
Roadrunner on the Fence
Walking back to the house, I spotted a roadrunner chasing bugs in the front yard. I couldn’t get too close, he kept running away from me. But he hopped up on my fence and belted out a mating call before flying into a tree in our empty lot next door.
Day 121, Saturday, May 1st, 2021
Saturday Night Canasta
We had friends over for the first time in 14 months! Yay! Bill and Sherry are sweethearts (literally! they just got married!) and have been coming over for a couple of years for game night. We usually play Mexican Train (dominoes) but Sherry asked if we had Yahtzee… well we did, but we didn’t have any dice! When we found out they knew how to play canasta, it was on! I’m a little rusty, so I need to practice before we play again. It was so much fun that we played until 1:30 in the morning!
Day 122, Sunday, May 2nd, 2021
Happy in Anna’s Arms
Mom and Teddy came over Sunday afternoon to join us for Marco’s pizza. We had the laziest day, it was divine. We all stayed in our jammies, watched TV, and had naps. Teddy adores Anna and as soon as she was done eating, he hopped in her lap for some cuddles. He’s looking at me like “What? I belong here!”
Day 123, Monday, May 3rd, 2021
Thundercloud for Dinner
Anna has been rocking work at Life Bridges and rocking physical therapy at Texas Physical Therapy Specialists. After PT on Monday, she asked very nicely if we could pick up dinner on the way home. Since Curtis was on his way to Houston for a business dinner, I said sure. Thundercloud Subs is in the same shopping center as PT, so I went in to order. The nicest young man waited on me, taking extra care to make the kids’ subs were extra delicious.
Day 124, Tuesday, May 4th, 2021
Tuesday was grocery shopping day. I’m a grocery nerd and actually love to shop. HEBplus! in New Braunfels is my favorite store (if you go back to June 2016, you’ll see that I got a sneak peek before the store opened!). I’m usually in a hurry but it’s fun to go sometimes and just wander. They always have the most beautiful fresh plants out front and tons of Meal Simple easy-to-cook meals near the front of the store.
Day 125, Wednesday, May 5th, 2021
Dominic at the Dentist
Up until this spring, I’ve always taken the kids to the dentist together. But we had a scheduling conflict and I ended up taking them separately. This was probably the last time I accompany Dominic to the dentist because he has his driving test scheduled next week! Anyway, Dr. Brandon at Treetop Pediatric gave him a clean bill of dental health, no cavities!
Day 126, Thursday, May 6th, 2021
Red on Green
It’s always good for my soul to wander around outside. The amount of insects I’ve seen this spring is the most in at least 6 years. I’m wondering now if it’s that human beings were quarantined and the world shut down most of last year? Maybe the reduced pollution and interference with the natural order of things caused the insects to proliferate this year? I’m so happy to see them again, I’ve missed them! I don’t know what kind of beetle this is, he was all red with black legs and black and red wings. I love the solid green background of the grass behind the cone flower. I do wish I had taken an extra minute to get a shot of the cone flower in focus as well and composite the images.
Thanks for looking!