Monday, March 5th, 2018
This week’s theme for the Flickr Macro Monday group is “Citrus.” From this week’s instructions (from Janet Towbin):
Our lemon and orange trees produced a bountiful crop this year and I am currently surrounded with baskets, bowls and shopping bags overflowing with fruit. Thinking of a theme for next week’s challenge with all this citrus fruit around me was very easy. The theme for next week is… Yes, you guessed it: CITRUS.
You may be surprised to learn there are close to 50 different types of citrus fruit in the world. I had no idea there were so many varieties. Here is a link that lists them all:
And a link to everything you might want to know about citrus: photograph must show an actual portion/section/piece of a citrus fruit. It can be any part of the fruit: peel, pulp, fruit sections or segments, rind, slices, seeds/pips, zest, juice sac, etc. Please note: we will not accept photos of citrus “flavored” items like lemon-lime sorbet, lemon drops, lemon curd, lime jello, lemon meringue pie, orange or lemon gummies, or orange soda, etc., UNLESS there is a piece/portion/section of citrus fruit in your photo, too. Please be creative and think of unusual ways to photograph citrus. We have all seen hundreds of photos of backlit slices of citrus fruit so do us all a favor and try something different. Tag your photos with “Macro Mondays” and this week’s theme: “Citrus” or alternatively you may use #MacroMondays and #Citrus.
Grapefruit Pores
After the stress of the last few weeks, I wanted to just take a simple, beautiful photo for this week’s citrus theme. I spent about an hour this morning shooting this grapefruit… different angles, different backgrounds, whole, sliced, ready to eat. One of my favorite shots was one of my first ones… isn’t that funny? More likely than not, I usually choose one of my very first shots when photographing something specific. I like the way the light wraps around underneath the fruit, I like the texture, I like the shape and lines, and I especially like the pores. I didn’t realize grapefruit had such big pores. This reminds me of skin or a moon. I really had never studied grapefruit up close before. That’s why I love macro photography so much, it gives us the ability to see an object in such beautiful, close-up detail. Macro is therapy for me.
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/5 | 1/200 | ISO 1600
Thanks for looking!