Curtis and I attended the Colin’s Hope Best Day Ever Bash last night as guests of Jeff and Jana Holst. They lost their 4-year old son, Colin, to an accidental drowning in a public pool with watchful adults and lifeguards on duty. Since then, they have made it their mission to educate others about accidental drowning, the #1 cause of death of children under the age of 4. Curtis went to college with Jeff and Jana. A couple of years ago, they reconnected on Facebook and Curtis was devastated to learn of Colin’s death. We’ve volunteered our time to their organization on a couple of occasions and last night was a charity event to thank the volunteers and sponsors. Held in the Automotive Warehouse on E. 7th Street, we spent some time visiting and taking a few photos.
I got this shot of the stage area before the band performed. Love the different colors!
Then we headed over to the Warehouse District for dinner, parking near Congress and 2nd. The very first thing I noticed was the side of this building… in all the years I’ve lived here, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed it before!
Pivoting to my right, I snagged this image of a food trailer. Curtis actually got a better shot of this than me, I think.
Here is Curtis’s photo. He’s using my old Nikon D40.
We ended up at Sullivan’s, my very favorite restaurant, for a late dinner. We had the BEST waiter ever, Scott. We had our cameras out comparing photos and he started chatting with us about photography. Awesome!!! After dinner, we wandered back up Colorado and stopped in a food trailer vendor area to people watch. Dominic loves the Frost Bank Tower so I was sure to get an image including it.
While I was hanging out here (attempting to try panning, very unsuccessfully), Curtis went around the corner to get some photos of a street musician playing the guitar. He was singing the blues and really struck a chord (snort) with Curtis. I love the motion in his hands Curtis captured here.
The singer was moving constantly and in low light, it’s hard to get a clear photo. But the people in the background, how the light is hitting the neck of the guitar , and this perspective all make for an awesome image. I’m so proud of my husband. Yknow what else? He was shooting in manual mode the whole night! WTG, babe!
My favorite shot of the night isn’t technically perfect, but I love the grain, grit, and realism. This a bouncer outside a club. His hair initially grabbed my attention and I casually asked, “Hey, do you mind if I get a picture?” He said sure, so I snapped this quickly. It was almost pitch black with only a little light hitting above his head and down by his feet from the streetlight. Wide open on the 50mm at f/1.8 with my ISO cranked to 3200, I shot this handheld at 1/25 of a second. Not bad, huh?
We didn’t get home until about 1 a.m. and had a great time. I couldn’t believe how bustling it was… not just on 6th Street, but the Warehouse District was jammed, and even West 6th closer to Lamar was packed. Austin is such a great city!