
Tag Archives: intellectual disability

2014 TPW P52 ~ Week Twelve

The Photographer Within’s Project 52 ~ A Year in Song has been an amazing journey to watch! Each week, our TPW members continue to inspire me with their artistry and creativity. The lyrics for Week Twelve are from Closer to Free by Bodeans and the lyrics we had to shoot were “Everybody wants a good good friend.” Last year, Anna’s...

Tough Day, Tough Love, It’s All Tough

Something isn’t quite right with Anna. It started Tuesday night. Dominic is in the choir this year and has been practicing for a couple of months for the holiday show. Mom and I strategically planned the whole night. She brought Anna in later, right before the show started. I had seats saved near the end...

365 in 52 [2013] ~ Week Thirty-Six

Anna is having a hard time at school. Every day she comes home with her glasses completely cloudy with dried tears. And it’s making me heart sick for her. I met with her teacher Friday afternoon to discuss why she’s crying. The theory is that art class, one of only two classes where she is...

365 in 52 [2013] ~ Week Seventeen

Well… as good as last week was, this week wasn’t so hot. Anna was suspended from school on Thursday for an incident that happened on Wednesday. I debated on whether or not to share the details, but decided that Anna deserves to have people understand her behavior… and if you see someone agitated and acting...

These Are the Things You Don’t Want to Hear

So we saw Anna’s geneticist Tuesday morning. Really the only changes since the last time we were in three years ago is that Anna developed hypothyroidism, she has increased laxity in her joints, and her kyphoscoliosis is worse. There is an additional test we could run now if wanted, but it’s quite expensive… $7-9K at...


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