
Tag Archives: Ehler-Danlos Syndrome

Thoughtful Thursday: Where are my rosy glasses?

I was typing up a getting-to-know-you questionnaire for CrumbSnatchers since we have some new designers and one of the questions was “Are you a half-full or half-empty kind of person?” You know, I used to be a half-full person. I took pride in being happy and optimistic and tackling adversity head on. I did wear...

A viral cause for chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia

A friend (thank you, Heather!) shared a local news story with me that a human pathogen retrovirus has been found in patients with neuro-immune diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. They have also found this virus present in some children with autism! Gasp! The implications are huge… they could possibly create a vaccine for...

Pain, presence, and perspective

I had a rough night last night, Anna was up for a bit around midnight. With school starting in less than three weeks, anxiety is setting in and she is beginning to perseverate about not wanting to go back. It breaks my heart to see her so upset and scared, I wish she didn’t have...


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