Day 64, March 5th, 2021
Stuart in the Sunshine
I took the dogs out to romp in the yard late Friday afternoon. Stuart was way across the yard following Charlie around. He stopped, perked up his ears, and stared straight at me… I swear he was almost posing! I love the golden sunset enveloping him with warm light. You can even see dust motes in the air. Gorgeous.
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Day 65, March 6th, 2021
Groomed Charlie Chewing a Toy
Charlie got groomed and that makes him extra frisky. Whenever he gets home from the groomer, he prances all around outside. He found an old chew toy and plopped down to gnaw on it for a while. I’m glad I’m getting some photos of him because he’s starting to show his age. I had to physically pick him up to get him in my SUV and Curtis had to come get him out. I haven’t seen him up on our bed in months. I think it’s because he’s having trouble seeing. He has a degenerative retinopathy common to poodle breeds. He will be 12 years old in April.
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Day 66, March 7th, 2021
Dominic’s First Job Interview
We were so surprised one day, when out of the blue, Dominic announced that he had applied for a job at Thundercloud Subs… quickly followed by Burger King and Bill Miller’s. Burger King was the first to reach out to him and asked him to come in for an interview on Sunday morning at 9:30. He got dressed up, but not overly dressed up, and let me take a picture before he went in. The interview went great and they offered him a job on the spot, saying he was one of the best qualified candidates they had seen recently. Since this will be his first real job, I’m thinking his Boy Scouts experience and volunteer work ticked a lot of boxes. Dominic also interviewed later that day with Bill Miller’s… well that interview was not as good. They wanted him to work there but he was not as impressed with them. He much preferred BK and starts his first shift on Saturday!
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Day 67, March 8th, 2021
Weekly Chores
Our trash gets picked up on Tuesdays by Best Waste and one of Dominic’s chores is to take the trash and recycling bins to the curb Monday nights. He takes Nana’s to the curb too. Sometimes he needs a reminder (well, most of the time to be honest) but he always does it with a smile on his face. Sometimes he’ll grab all the inside trash and recycling as well which means the world to me. Somehow I’m the only one in the whole family who notices a trash can is full and voluntarily empties it. I have magic powers apparently! ::snicker::
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Day 68, March 9th, 2021
Real Life Dinner
I had zero inspiration on Tuesday to take a picture. I took the kids to school, did my workout, took a shower, and made my smoothie for lunch. Then one of my neighborhood friends, Nancy, came over for a socially distanced visit out back. It was a beautiful day and we spent a couple of hours catching up. Mom went to pick up Anna and then Anna and I went to pick up Dominic. When I got back, I made dinner then all five of us sat in the living room and watched TV while we ate. This is what our usual dinner looks like… messy real life. Blankets because mom and I get cold. Pillows for Curtis to lean on while resting on the couch. Dogs draped everywhere. Dirty rug because I haven’t swept all week. Charging cords between the couch and ottoman. Oh, see the big stain on the lamp shade next to Anna? That’s from my grand-dog, Granger. He’s is Jenny’s big, goofy, happy boy whose tail knocked over my coffee around Christmas time and gave my lampshade a nice coffee ombre look! And everything is slightly out of focus because it was very dark and I was rushing. Real life, right? 😉
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Pork Tenderloin
For dinner, I decided to roast some golden potatoes in the oven and make some pork tenderloin for Curtis and Dominic. I slathered on chipotle bbq rub on Curtis’s since he loves spicy food. Curtis likes his tenderloin medium and Dominic medium well… just like their steaks. Mom, Anna, and I had cottage cheese and peas with our potatoes. Everyone declared everything delicious!
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Day 69, March 10th, 2021
Always on High Alert
Anna had PT after Life Bridges on Wednesday. Since she finishes LB at 3 and PT doesn’t start until 3:30, sometimes we have to wait in the lobby for a while. Waiting makes her anxious. She’s always on high alert watching the door intently to see who is coming in, who is leaving, who is getting called back to the workout room, who is checking out. I could feel her tension.
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Exhausted Boy
Dominic texted me and asked if I could pick him up a little early because he was completely wiped out. He’s not been sleeping well and we had to make an adjustment to his medicine for depression recently. I picked him up after I got Anna but told him he had to come to PT with us and wait with me. He did a little school work, did a little reading, played a few minutes of video games, then closed his eyes for a few minutes and listened to music. I could feel his exhaustion. We were all so tired by the time we got home that I ordered pizza to be delivered for dinner, a rare treat for mid-week.
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Day 70, March 11th, 2021
Pretty Perished Plant
Take a warm sunny day and pair it with a pretty perished plant and voila… a pretty picture with pretty bokeh. Even though most of our plants died off in Snovid 21, the grass is growing and life is persevering. I heard that someone saw a bluebonnet starting to bloom in their yard so it won’t be long before wildflowers are springing up everywhere. I’m so ready for spring. It’s my most favorite season and it’s when I’m most motivated to clean, get healthy, and move my body. I’m ready!
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