Monday, May 8th, 2017
This week’s theme for the Flickr Macro Monday group is “Eye(s).” From this week’s instructions:
Our next week’s theme will be very simple. So simple that I am just giving you one word to describe it: EYE(S). Be creative and have fun!
Front Porch View
Everyone in my family has blue eyes and I’ve taken some pretty extraordinary shots of their eyes over the years. I wanted to do something a little different than just a straight on eye macro so I had Dominic, my 12-year old son, stand on our front porch and look at the front yard to get this reflection. You can see part of the porch, the sidewalk, the yard, trees, and blue sky… it’s so pretty here. We live in the Hill Country and everything is green, lush, and blooming.
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/8 | 1/250 | ISO 1250
Thanks for looking!