Monday, March 13th, 2017
This week’s theme for the Flickr Macro Monday group is “Made of Metal.” From this week’s instructions:
We are now going to focus our attention on the third of our 12 Member’s Choice themes we voted on last year. This month’s Member’s Choice theme comes from member Helen Orozco. Please be sure to have a look at Helen’s photostream and give her a big thank you for this great theme. Helen says: “I have found photographing a reflective object made of metal to be one of the most challenging. Getting the shot with no glare, unwanted reflections, including my own, while keeping the image of a professional quality I’ve never found easy. Out of the many thousands of photos I’ve taken of metal I’ve probably only ever achieved this once maybe twice. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s metal shots and I’m hoping to learn so much from them. What I’m going to shoot for the metal macro challenge is still a mystery to me but I’m going to have fun trying for that perfect metal shot!”
Thank you, Helen! I hope Helen doesn’t mind, but I do have one restriction for this “Made of Metal” theme: Absolutely NO flatware/silverware will be accepted in the pool!! That means no knives, forks or spoons! I think I have seen enough photos of them for a long while.
Metallic Degradation
This is what happens when my husband forgets to put things away. During the summer, we are in our swimming pool almost everyday. When we first moved in, Curtis brought out this 25-pound round weight (the kind that goes on a lifting bar) to use in the water to exercise. Of course it got left beside the pool and over the last year or so, it’s gotten rusty. I love the way metal looks when it rusts… the patterns and colors are so intricate and vibrant.
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/5.6 | 1/250 | ISO 1000
Rebar and Palm
My mom does all of our gardening and landscaping. She recently cut off all the dead palm tree fronds and put them in the fire pit to burn. It’s been rainy and damp lately, so she put a rebar pole over the fronds to keep them from blown out by the wind. I really like the contrast of colors with the metal and palm fronds.
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/5.6 | 1/250 | ISO 1600
Guest House
This was my initial idea for the Made of Metal Macro Monday challenge but I wasn’t wowed by the result so I went with the Metallic Degradation image as my submission. One of the main reasons we purchased our home was because of the guest house… it’s a perfect home for my mom. She is my best friend and we’ve been together most of my life (minus a couple of years here and there when we lived in different cities). Curtis jokes that she lives in the servant’s quarters but we all know, acknowledge, and honor that she is an integral part of our family. We love her and value her so much. I’m very grateful to have my mom with me.
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/4 | 1/250 | ISO 2500
Thanks for looking!