Saturday, March 11th, 2017
Happiness Means…
This week’s prompt is “Happiness Means…” for the Instagram project #portraitsofme. I had all kind of grand ideas for this prompt… family photos, a full dining room table, a car full of my family, all of us cuddled in bed… but the timing never worked out having everyone at home at the same time. So I started re-thinking this prompt and the work I’m doing on myself this year. What does happiness mean to me? In the past, it meant that everyone else’s needs were met before mine. Now, I’m taking care of myself first. So happiness means (in addition to loving my family of course)…
~Making myself a priority.
~Making my health a priority.
~Working out and getting regular exercise.
~Getting those endorphins pumping while running full out on the elliptical, sweat flying, music pounding, singing at the top of my lungs, while leaving nothing left in my mind but joy.
I’ve been exercising everyday this week and today I did 35 minutes and 3.5 miles on the elliptical running as hard as I could for the last 15 minutes of it. Since my knee injury in November, this has been a slow and gradual healing process. Physical therapy is once every other week now. Today felt damn good.
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/3.2 | 1/8 | ISO 50 | wifi-enabled shutter release
Thanks for looking!