For the first time this year, I missed shooting a day. I was just too sick and couldn’t get out of bed. I came down with a nasty throat virus similar to strep and pretty much stayed in bed on and off for 4-5 days. My mom and Curtis were wonderful and totally took care of the kids and the house so I could rest. I am so grateful I have them. I am not back to 100% yet, it’s going to take me a couple of weeks, but I’m getting there. So this means I got crappy photos for the week, nothing of the kids or of substance, but I did shoot a little.
Day 205 ~ Baleful Lola
Lola is a Chihuahua/Yorkie mix so her hair grows until I cut it. Since she is so tiny and timid, I’ve been doing it myself since I can’t imagine leaving her with a groomer. It had gotten really long and unkempt, so I shaved some with dog clippers and did the rest with scissors. She is very patient and still for me. After I finished, she got a bath in the sink which she has mixed feelings about. Here she is after laying in the sun to dry and when she saw me taking a photo, she gave me this look like, “Seriously, you put me through all that and still want me to pose?”
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/6.3 | 1/1000 | ISO 200
Day 206 ~ Ripples of Family Fun
Finally on Sunday, I felt well enough to get outside for a while. We had a family swim and the water was especially pretty… the blue, green, and aqua tones played with the sunshine creating tiny reflections and waves of art. Curtis had just jumped in (you can see him on the upper right) and I wanted to focus on the ripples he made jumping in. Dominic is holding a colorful ball on the left. The ripples were so calming and mesmerizing. I’m also using this for our Ivory & Grey “blue” themed post that will go up on Monday.
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/4.5 | 1/640 | ISO 200
Day 207 ~ Stuart at the Center
I sat in my office for a little bit on Monday to check email. I looked back to talk to the kids… Dominic was playing a video game and Anna was simultaneously playing with her baby, Primm, and watching YouTube on her iPad… and there was Stuart. Smack in the center of the action like usual. This dog inserts himself right in the middle of everything no matter what the situation is. He’s so adorable.
Nikon D750 | 35mm | f/2.5 | 1/200 | ISO 800
Day 208 ~ Let’s Go
It was time for Charlie to get groomed this week too, but he is way too big for me to tackle. I’ve been taking him to see John Velasquez at The Paw Spa and have been very pleased. Charlie is so funny, when I pick him up, he grabs his leash and takes off. Let’s go, mom!
Nikon D750 | 35mm | f/2.2 | 1/250 | ISO 2500
Day 209 ~ Happiest of All
It’s the week of the dog in the Thompson household. Now that Charlie and Lola are all beautified, it was time to go see the vet for ProHeart boosters. Stuart loves riding in the car. In fact, of all three dogs, he’s the happiest of the bunch in the car. He always wants to hang his head out the window, no matter how fast we are going.
Nikon D750 | 35mm | f/3.5 | 1/400 | ISO 200
Day 209 ~ Why Are We Here?
Lola has only been the vet a handful of times and she was shaking. They took Stuart back to trim his nails and express his anal glands. OMG, the whole clinic heard him howl. He was not a fan. Lola looked at me like, “Why are we here and what is going to happen to me?” I reassured her that she only had to get one little shot and she handled it like a champ. We go to the Canyon City Animal Hospital on 306 and see Dr. Leakey. I love the entire staff there.
Nikon D750 | 35mm | f/2.2 | 1/200 | ISO 1000
Day 210 ~ Dead Grass + Rain = New Life
We’ve actually had a couple of days of serious rain here this week! Of course, one of the storms hit while I was on my way to the grocery store, but it meant that the store was pretty much empty! Our grass was so dead in spots that as soon as it got wet, it turned yellow. A couple of days later, new growth! Nature is amazing.
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/4 | 1/250 | ISO 50
Day 210 ~ Barn Swallow Convention
So all of our baby barn swallows have grown up and flown the nest. Now we have oodles of swallows converging on our back patio. I’m not sure if they are vying for the nest, or displaying mating behavior, or what exactly, but this morning we had 17 birds hanging out. You can see the dirty remnants of last year’s nest along the top of the white decorative stucco on the right. Ew.
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/5.6 | 1/250 | ISO 100
Thanks for looking! Tomorrow, my baby turns 12. Man, am I getting old! Have a great week, everyone!!!