Dominic and Curtis are both working hard in our new Boy Scouts troop. Last month, Dominic attended Merit Badge University, where he had an opportunity to earn four merit badges in one day. We have a little bit of work to do at home to finish them up, but they are all Eagle Scout badges. While Dominic was in class, Curtis and I took a CPR/AED class and got certified. It feels good to know what to do in an emergency. Of course, I took some photos while we were there.
My Boy Scout
Dominic is looking so much more mature to me. Even in the month since I took this, he has changed.
Backlit Boy
The light inside the building was rich and dimensional. Dominic was studying while Curtis worked on his laptop.
Distracted by Dad
Curtis had just gotten back in town late the night before and had to get caught up on some work in between classes.
Boys and Their Toys
Hmmm… can’t really tell they are father and son, right? LOL.
I can see Dominic sitting like this years into the future… his bones longer, leaner, and more angular.
Thanks for looking!