I had an Artist’s Date with myself recently in the beautiful raised garden bed my mother planted for me. An Artist’s Date, if you aren’t familiar, is from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron; it is a singular, dedicated time to get away from your to-do list and go nurture your inner artist. A play date for your soul. <3
During this short 30-minute window, I created dozens of photographs that fed my soul and even got a few new ones for my portfolio. I adore macro work, especially when I get to commune with an insect or tiny creature. When I pull those images from the camera to my screen, I’m always gobsmacked by the tiny details. Creatures that are barely visible to the naked eye have such intricate patterns, tiny cilia, beautiful eyes. I always talk to the creatures that grace my lens and thank them for allowing me to study them so closely.
This little caterpillar was about an inch, maybe an inch and a half long. At first I thought he was an inchworm, he moved like an inchworm, but I had never seen one patterned like a caterpillar before. After some research, I found that this is called a geometrid. He has 6 legs in the front and 6 in the back, moves like an inchworm, and will turn into a moth or butterfly. I got so many wonderful images of him and I’m going to share them one delicious photo at a time over the next week or so. 🙂
Hello Geometrid!
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/5.6 | 1/320 | ISO 400
I’ll post another image tomorrow. Thanks for looking!