The Photographer Within’s Project 52 ~ A Year in Song has been an amazing journey to watch! Each week, our TPW members continue to inspire me with their artistry and creativity. Our lyrical prompt for Week 51 of The Photographer Within‘s P52 Year in Song was from Baby It’s Cold Outside by Frank Loesser and the lyrics we had to shoot were: “Baby it’s cold outside.” My husband’s family experienced a loss this week… Shirley Leverett Todd passed away on Friday. She was Curtis’s great aunt, lived in Llano, and was 78 years old. My father-in-law came down over the weekend and my mom kept the kids so Curt, Curtis and I could go attend the services. The funeral was today and it was cold, rainy, and blustery… a fitting tribute for saying goodbye. Aunt Shirley was a nurse and well-loved, and though it was a sad occasion that brought us together, it was really nice to see family. My thoughts and prayers are with Kathy and Sammy and all of their families. Love you guys. <3
Week Fifty-One ~ Saying Goodbye on a Blustery Day
Thanks for looking! You can join along for our last week via Instagram, Flickr, Facebook, and/or the forum. I’ll post Week Fifty-Two’s theme on Wednesday.