
2014 TPW P52 ~ Week Forty-Five

The Photographer Within TPW TPWP52

The Photographer Within’s Project 52 ~ A Year in Song has been an amazing journey to watch! Each week, our TPW members continue to inspire me with their artistry and creativity. Our lyrical prompt for Week 45 of The Photographer Within‘s P52 was from All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor and the lyrics we had to shoot were: “Cause every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top.” Like most young women, my daughter has had moments of insecurity with her appearance. I haven’t always been a good role model in loving myself and I wish I could go back and do things differently… if nothing else to save Jenny from that internal voice that can be so cruel. Angel, in my eyes, every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top.

Week Forty-Five ~ You are Perfect

New Braunfels lifestyle portrait photographer

Thanks for looking! You can join along at any time via InstagramFlickrFacebook, and/or the forum. I’ll post Week Forty-Six‘s theme on Wednesday.

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