The Photographer Within’s Project 52 ~ A Year in Song has been an amazing journey to watch! Each week, our TPW members continue to inspire me with their artistry and creativity. Our lyrical prompt for Week 41 of The Photographer Within‘s P52 was from Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana and the lyrics we had to shoot were: “Here we are now, entertain us.” I was sure I was going to use my kids for this week’s theme, but as I was driving my son to an appointment with his psychiatrist yesterday morning, I had to stop the car. This is my new neighborhood. This is my view. I was so taken with the beauty of the sun rays, that I literally gasped out loud. Here we are now, entertain us… if we just look up and look around every once in a while, there is so much to behold.
Week Forty-One ~ Nature’s Entertainment
Thanks for looking! You can join along at any time via Instagram, Flickr, Facebook, and/or the forum. I’ll post Week Forty-Two’s theme on Wednesday.