
Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day!!!

To my Mom…

Who is always there for me, for my children, and for all strays… people and animal alike. You have taught me to put myself in others’ shoes, to love unconditionally, to give, to be patient and kind, and most of all, to be the best mother I can be to my own children. You lead by example, you are thoughtful, you are wise. It is a privilege to be your daughter and I look forward to our new adventures! Thank you for always taking care of me and my children. I love you more than all the stars in the sky, all of the blades of grass, every single grain of sand on every beach… I love you with all of my heart. <3

Austin lifestyle child family special needs photographer

To my Mother-in-Law…

Who raised such a wonderful son. Curtis is an incredible father who takes care of his children financially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and everything in between. I feel so blessed to have him in my life and so grateful for the comfortable life he provides for all of us. I also feel lucky that you accept me and include me as part of your extended family. I can’t wait to see you next month! Love you!

Austin lifestyle portrait mother son photographer

To my Sister-Moms…

Who understand the heartaches, joys, triumphs, and challenges of raising children with special needs. I met my Sister Moms when Anna was just 15 months old (Googling hypotonia) and I cannot imagine being on this journey without them. Teri Ann, Susan, Mya-Lisa, Lori, Heather, Rae, Stephanie, Carol, Cassie, Kim, Mary, Valerie, Val, Christina, Sally, Jan, Tina, Renee, Cheryl, and Edie… each and every one of you has made a difference in my life. Thank you.

2008 ~ New YorkRetreat2008aRetreat2008b

2009 ~ Colorado


2010 ~ Colorado


2012 ~ Pennslyvania


To my Sisters… Pamela with her son, Gabriel; and Lisa with her daughter, Caitlin; and my sister-in-law, Shelley with her children, Myles, Christopher, Laura, and Lexi. I love you all so much! I wish I had photos of you and I wish I got to spend time with you. You are all doing a great job raising your children.

And finally, to my Children…

Jenny, as my first, I made many mistakes with you and learned a lot about what not to do. The first nine years of your life, you were an only child and we had so much fun together. The rainbow blanket, Disney movies, Girl Scouts… these are some of my favorite memories. You just graduated from college and now are preparing for your wedding. I am so proud of the woman you have become. Selfless, responsible, mature, loving, giving, funny, smart, and gorgeous to boot… you are the whole package. I feel extra-specially lucky to be your mom, Angel.

Austin San Marcos college graduate graduation photographer Texas State

Austin lifestyle freckles woman girl macro black and white photographer

Anna, my sweet, complicated girl. In some ways, you will always be my little girl and sometimes that makes me happy to know I’ll always have you with me and sometimes it scares me a little too. Everything I thought I knew about parenting went out the window with you. Your challenges seem so big some days and it literally pains me to see you struggle… all I want is for you to be happy. So much of being your mom defines me and I love you so very much.

Austin vacation lifestyle photographer

Austin lifestyle child black and white photographer autism

Dominic, my adorable, charming, wicked smart, and complex boy. I am so glad we had you and I cannot imagine life without you. It might feel as though you bear a lot of responsibility already, being the only boy carrying on the Thompson family name and knowing that Anna will need support after we are gone, but you have a huge, loving family around you… never forget that. You are wise way beyond your years and your sense of humor continually amazes me. You can and will accomplish anything you want and I can’t wait to see what you conquer next. I love you sooooooo much, I can’t even describe it properly.

Austin lifestyle child portrait first day of school boy son photographer 4th grade

Austin lifestyle child boy macro eye photographer

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there… moms-to-be, moms of angels in heaven, moms who’ve lost their moms, moms who feel like they are alone, moms who rock it 24/7. We have the hardest and most rewarding job on Earth and today we celebrate each other. <3

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