Thank you for all of your prayers last week. Renee came through her third brain surgery with no ill effects and it looks like they got all of the cancer again. Let’s pray she stays cancer-free for good! She has to go through more radiation and chemo, but she is doing really well.
Heading into the last two weeks of school usually means dread is hitting me because I’ve waited too long to line up respite help for Anna for the summer and I haven’t enrolled the kids in summer camp yet. BUT, this year I’ve already found someone to help with Anna and have two one-week camps set up for the kids. I feel better prepared. But I’m still pooped. We saw the pediatric neurologist on Thursday and the pediatric endocrinologist today… both for Anna. She got yet another referral last week for aggressive behavior. She hurt a friend and scared her friend so deeply that she said she didn’t want to be Anna’s friend anymore. Anna got off the bus and wept. She sobbed these gut-wrenching sobs that bent her over in the middle, she was so sorry and so sad. It’s like someone else takes over her body and she can’t control it. Can you imagine? It’s horrifying. Well… the neuro still doesn’t think seizure activity is involved but agreed that the onset of these episodes could be partial seizure activity. Regardless, trying to capture an episode would be hard to predict so he is going ahead and changing her meds. We stopped the Vyvanse immediately. We are weaning down on Zoloft and ramping up on Lamictal. Lamictal is the AED Anna was on for 18 months or so when her seizures were the worst. We also saw the endo today who is going to start Anna on a patch to regulate her cycles. If her estrogen and progesterone levels aren’t cycling up and down, then she might not have any of these episodes. She agreed that it could be catamenial epilepsy which are seizures triggered by the menstrual cycle. Poor Anna has been exhausted too… but more because of these episodes, hormones, and medication changes. I feel awful for her. And I can’t wait for school to be over so she can just be.
Day 136 ~ Teddy Bear for Sale
Whenever Anna gets a referral at school, she gets her DS taken away. So we played doll show. She shooed me out for a while and when I was allowed in, she had all of her babies lined up with note cards and prices. I especially fell in love with the teddy bear for sale. I love how she puts her dollar signs after the numbers. <3
Day 137 ~ Ant Highway
I’ve been trying for a couple of months to get some photos of ants on the move. But they move fast! And it’s hard to focus on them. I rather like this one though.
Day 137 ~ Bathed in Backlight
This daisy had grown in the flower pot with its back to the sun and when the sun was setting, it was aglow with sunlight. Gorgeous!
Day 137 ~ Dreamy Domain
I shared this one the Daily Project already… this tiny, tiny translucent spider… no more than 1 cm wide was totally surveying his domain.
Day 137 ~ Beauty Buds
From my mom’s garden.
Day 137 ~ Tendrils of Pollen
When I’m stressed, I like to shoot macro and flowers and nature. These fluffy spikes of pollen really fascinate me.
Day 138 ~ Wax Museum, Thomas Edison
The third grade had to put on a Wax Museum project where they dressed up like a historical figure and stood still. Then someone comes by and pushes a button at their feet and they come to life, telling the visitor all about themselves. Dominic was Thomas Edison and did an amazing job.
Day 139 ~ Emergency Exit Only
Oh I want to run out those doors some days.
Day 140 ~ Engaged
Jenny finally returned from her cruise with Chris and got to show off her ring to me in person. It is beautiful! Congratulations again, Angel. <3
Thanks for looking! Have a great week!