As the year waxes on, I’m finding myself picking up my camera less and less, though I have shot a couple of events lately. I’m hoping once I get through the busy last week of the school year, I will find my spark again. We had our 5th annual Memorial Day block party yesterday, complete with a live band and huge bouncy house, and I realized at the end of the night that I didn’t even pick up my camera all day. We had a good turnout, lots of good eats, and most importantly… good times with great neighbors. I did get a few good shots this week and here they are. 🙂
Day 143 ~ ‘Dya Need Sumpin?
The light was filtering in the dining room so prettily one night just dinner and I called to Charlie. He came bounding into the kitchen with this expression. He always cracks me up.
Day 144 ~ Magic Firefly Dance
I’ve been walking around the park a couple of nights a week and I noticed the fireflies out at dusk, dancing and glowing in the dark. I set out the next night determined to capture them. It took me nearly an hour and lots of trial and error… but I got this. 15 combined exposures ranging from 15-25 seconds each. I’d like to try it again but wanted to share my first attempt.
Day 146 ~ After Meal Stretch
Driving around with the family, we came upon a wake of vultures feeding on a deer carcass. We had to return the same route later and I pulled off to get a shot of one on the fence.
Thanks for looking and I hope you have a wonderful week!