Do a little dance, make a little love,
Get down tonight, get down tonight.
Sorry… I totally thought of those lyrics when I took this photo! I hope no one is offended by butterflies mating. 🙂
Today celebrates my 15th wedding anniversary and I want to take a moment to publicly declare my love and devotion to my husband, Curtis. He is the most loyal, dependable, and generous man I’ve ever known. When I see him leading Dominic’s Boy Scout den, playing Wii Sports Resorts over and over and over again with Anna, or covering Jenny’s college expenses, I am struck with how fortunate my children are to have a wonderful father (and step-father!). Each day, he gets up early to take Dominic to school so that I don’t have to get in the car. Because of my early onset arthritis and fibro, moving around a lot in the morning is difficult for me. He has always provided a comfortable life for us, often takes care of his extended family, and has hardly ever made my mom feel intrusive (which is really saying something since she lives next door!). He sometimes brings me flowers for no reason and will spoil me with a People magazine from time to time. He’s been completely supportive of my foray into the business side of photography and has even provided some sound business advice. He’s become my photo walk buddy and has been a great student in learning all the technical aspects of photography too. I am so proud of him!
Happy 15th Anniversary, sweetheart! I love you!