It’s another Fix-it-Friday at i heart faces! I haven’t done a FIF in so long! I couldn’t resist this gorgeous wedding photo, the bride is so stunning! The original photo is from Paige Ewing Photography.
Here is the original photo:
And here is my edit:
First I opened the image in ACR, added some magenta to the white balance, recovered highlights just a touch, and added just a bit of blacks. Then in PS CS5:
~Used the patch tool to soften forehead wrinkles and laugh lines around eyes. Also removed a few stray hairs at the top of her head.
~Used several levels adjustment layers to darken background, add more contrast to flowers, brighten bride, and deepen eyes.
~Add a pale yellow fill layer set to color and reduced to 15% to a hint of yellow glow.
~Added a soft vignette masked off of her hands.
~Resized and sharpened for web.
These are a lot of fun to do and took me less than 10 minutes. If you enjoy photo editing, head over to the i heart faces community and check it out!