Seven and a half years ago, I joined an online support group at iVillage for parents who had children with hypotonia. I never would’ve imagined that I would get a group of lifelong, incredible women friends out of that move. But I have. And for the last five years, some subset of nearly 18 of us try to get together every summer for a retreat. This year, I think only eight or nine of us are going but I can’t wait! I leave on Thursday for the mountains of Colorado and return on Sunday. It’s hard to imagine cooler temperatures and no children… I think I’ll just be in shock when I get there!
I’m in week two of my photography class and I’m just blown away by how technical and artistic this passion of mine is. This week we are learning about spot metering and custom white balance as well as some other things and my head is spinning. I’m very excited to take my camera with me to Colorado and put my new skills to the test. I’m also very appreciative that the more I learn, the less time I have to spend in Photoshop on my 365-Project.
I know I still need to put up some photos from Dominic’s birthday. It really was an awesome day and we had so much fun. Maybe I can do that while I’m away. We’re just a couple of weeks away from Jenny moving out (boohoo) and a few weeks away from the kids going back to school (woot). I’m so looking forward to having more time to write, blog, and share some photos.
Love you all!