Happy 6th Birthday, Dominic!!!
Six years ago today you made your way into the world and when you were ready, there was no stopping you! (The nurse made me push once before calling the OB-GYN and after proving you were *right there*, she said, “Okay, okay, don’t push! Put your knees together!” It was nearly a nurse-delivery!)
In honor of your birthday, I want to tell you six things you love right now and six things I love about you.
Six things you love:
1. Pokemon and Mario.
2. Annie, our 10-year old neighbor.
3. Chicken nuggets and french fries.
4. Funny cat videos.
5. Wipeout, the TV show.
6. Jenny… the two of you are best friends.
Six things I love about you:
1. Twisty love hugs… now a family tradition!
2. When you don’t the definition of something, you ask (yesterday it was, “Mommy, what are chemicals?”).
3. Your amazing aptitude for video games and reading. Yes! Just like momma. 😉
4. How your little hand fits into mine.
5. Your giggle when I snuffle your neck.
6. Your soul, spirit, and essence. I celebrate you today!
I hope to make this a wonderful day for you, my sweet boy! I love you!!!