Anna and I went to the rec center, then to the duck pond this afternoon. It was pretty hot so we didn’t stay long but Anna had fun feeding the ducks some bread. My eye kept getting pulled to this duck sitting on the picnic bench. He was grooming himself and just chilling so I slowly approached him. I tossed a piece of bread to him but he wasn’t interested in eating it (and I’m guessing by the show he gave us in just a bit that he was already full). I got just a few feet away from him and got some pretty cool photos (though I still had my ISO set at 800 from being inside the gym at the rec center, d’oh!). Right after I took this picture, he turned around and went SPLAT!!! Oh goodness, there was a large amount of duck goo all over the picnic table, ewwww!!! I will never eat at another picnic table again without a tablecloth. Gross!