
Tag Archives: perseveration

The ortho visit

Early in spring, Anna had a checkup with the pediatric geneticist. At that time, she noted some kyphoscoliosis in Anna that she wanted checked out by an orthopedic doctor. It was a six-month wait to get into the Specialty Care Center at Dell Children’s Medical Center and today was our appointment. They said to expect...

The back to school blues

So the kids are in their third week of school and both Anna and Dominic have had their ups and downs. Anna is adjusting to her inclusion class better than I hoped but she’s already had several incidents with throwing things, yelling “idiot girl” (her favorite angry phrase), pinching another student, and hitting the teacher....

Dear Neighbor

An Open Letter to all Neighbors, Everywhere Dear Neighbor, Perhaps you’ve seen us in passing.. the “special” family on your street. You’ve seen me struggling with my special needs child, you’ve seen her run away from me, you’ve seen her yelling at me or hitting me, and you’ve thought to yourself, “I don’t know how...

Thoughtful Thursday: Mean Mommy

Anna is in a bit of a bratty stage. I’m happy to see this typical behavior and I understand it, even though it’s a few years later than average. But when she acts out, these behaviors are more intense because of her age and size. And she doesn’t understand consequences the same way my other...


I feel like I have poison in my blood. At the end of such a long day with such a crappy ending, I have this intense dislike of my daughter’s chemical imbalance in her brain and subsequent feeling that I intensely dislike her. Which of course, I don’t. But it’s hard to tease apart the...


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