
Tag Archives: food

Artichoke Study: The Blossom and the Petals

New Braunfels nature macro artichoke flower bloom vegetable food photographer

Third in my series of six, I am sharing various views of an artichoke in bloom. I was completely enraptured by this large, heavy flower-slash-food… and had so much fun viewing and shooting different angles of it. The blossom was colorful and soft, the petals were hard and pokey. Whoever was the first to think...

Editor’s Choice Award

Austin macro food egg photographer

Clickin Moms hosts monthly Creativity Challenges which is a wonderful way to stretch yourself artistically. Last month, November’s challenge was called “A Classic Artist’s Exercise” and involved photographing eggs. From Sarah Wilkerson, host of the challenge: “Drawing an egg is a classic fine art exercise for those working in chalk, charcoal, or pencil. It’s a great...

Project 52 [Twenty-Twelve]: Week 27 ~ Addicted to the Rainbow

Austin food candy Skittles photographer rainbow

The My Four Hens Project 52 theme this week is addiction! Whenever I have to drive for more than 30 minutes, I have to chew gum or munch on candy to stay alert. My favorite choice is Skittles and I find myself picking them up at the store even when I don’t need to drive. <grin> So...


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