
Category Archives: 2010 Project 365

Day 348

I mentioned earlier today on Facebook that I volunteered to play a flute duet with my mom at her office holiday party tomorrow during the lunch hour and also said, “What was I thinking?” Ha. I’ve been practicing a lot today. It’s funny how quickly playing comes back to you, especially when you play a...

Day 347

Just playing outside this afternoon on a brisk, winter day. I love my sweet Booski so very much! I am super DUPER excited about her Christmas this year. Trust me, this one is going to be very, very special! Thanks for looking!

Day 346

I was feeling a little under the weather today but nothing could stop me from trimming the tree. Dominic and I have been a power team! We put the tree together Friday after school, got the lights on it yesterday and put out the house holiday decorations, then Anna joined us today to decorate the...

Day 345

So I’m finally getting up the Christmas tree and decorations this weekend, yay! Dominic has been so helpful, especially with the tree. We got the tree up yesterday, got over 1300 (!!!) lights on it today, and will put the ornaments and garland on it tomorrow. So you have a Christmas tree photo to look...

Day 344

Every year in our neighborhood, our community has a luminary event complete with lighted trails and an authentic Santa. I didn’t have time to take the kids tonight, but my mom was generous enough to hang out after the kids went to bed so I could take some photos. Pretty, isn’t it? Thanks for looking!


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