
365 in 52 [2021] ~ Week Forty-Four

I’m a week late in posting the first week of November, but you’ll see why at the end!

Day 302, Friday, October 29th, 2021

Dental Checkup for Anna

It was time for Anna’s 6-month dental checkup at Treetop Pediatric Dentistry. Ms. Nicole became Anna’s favorite person of the day when at the beginning of the appointment she pulled out her phone to show Anna photos of her standing beside Dak Prescott… yes, she actually got to meet him! Anna was all smiles and chatter for the rest of the appointment. Dr. Brandon came in later and declared her clear of cavities and we discussed orthodontics should Anna ever get teeth pulled for any reason. All four of her wisdom teeth are in and not causing any issues except some lower jaw crowding but we don’t want to put her through surgery if functionally she’s doing well.

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/3.5 | 1/125 | ISO 1250 | handheld

Day 303, Saturday, October 30th, 2021

Ready for Thundercat

One of Dominic’s birthday gifts was Thundercat tickets for him and two of his friends to see in Austin on October 30th at Stubb’s. Cole and Gavin joined Dominic for their evening out. Since Dominic had never been to a concert and wasn’t comfortable driving on the highway, Curtis and I chauffeured the boys and got a room in the same hotel. After getting checked in, they grabbed some dinner then went to the concert. Thundercat came on nearly 2 hours late but they said it was a great show. The guys were tired of standing so they went back to the hotel afterward. 

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/5.6 | 1/250 | ISO 640 | handheld

House of Torment

Curtis and I said goodbye to the boys and went to the House of Torment haunted house. There were three big buildings to go through and lots of fun decorations outside too. We splurged for the Fast Pass and skipped waiting in line. The mazes were fun, lots of good jump scares, and twice I was caught off guard… once when the floor was moved under some fog and again when the ceiling dropped unexpectedly. Afterward we had dinner at Iron Cactus on 6th Street, did a little bar hopping, and gawked at folks in their Halloween costumes. We had a great night out!

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/4 | 1/80 | ISO 2000 | handheld

Day 304, Sunday, October 31st, 2021

Voodoo Doughnuts

The next morning, we were all up and checked out before 10, so we hopped in the car and drove over to 6th Street to get some Voodoo Doughnuts to take home to the girls. OMG. These doughnuts are amazing. They have some unique combinations and designs. I think my favorite was the Marshall Mathers doughnut… yep, you guessed it! It was smothered in M&Ms.

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/4.5 | 1/160 | ISO 1000 | handheld

Day 305, Monday, November 1st, 2021

Sliver of Nana

Rosa and her ladies came to do a deep clean on Monday the 1st. Mom is uncomfortable staying in her house while the ladies are cleaning because it isn’t that big of a space and with 3-5 women cleaning at once, there isn’t a good place to roost. So mom usually comes over to our house or sits outside. I had just gotten home from WW and spied her sitting outside by the pool. She looked so peaceful with her stack of books, just a sliver of her visible between the pillars, that I snapped a photo without her knowing.

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/5.6 | 1/160 | ISO 200 | handheld

Day 306, Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021

No photos today.

Day 307, Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

Keeping Me Company

Wednesday the 3rd was a long day. Dominic had to be in San Antonio for an early appointment at the gastroenterologist’s office for a breath test so we left at 6:30 am, especially since we had to wait there for three hours in between tests. It was an early release day so I let him skip the whole day of school. Since I wasn’t going to be home, I told Anna she could skip too. Curtis texted me about 7:30 am saying that Anna really wanted to go to Life Bridges and had gotten herself dressed. So I contacted transportation and they said they could still pick her up. I was so proud of her. After she got home that afternoon, I invited her to come with me while I got a pedicure. Unfortunately they couldn’t work her in too but she was great company!

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/1.8 | 1/400 | ISO 1250 | handheld

Day 308, Thursday, November 4th, 2021

ER Visit

I was just out of the shower when I got a horrifying text message from my mom, it said “Hard Fall SOS” with details and a GPS pin. (This was actually an automated text from her Apple Watch, more on that later.) Then I got a phone call from Margi, mom’s friend with whom she was having lunch. My stomach sank. Margi said, “Your mom’s had a bad fall, she’s hit the back of her head and is bleeding a lot. EMS is on their way.” I stayed on the phone until EMS arrived and I could hear mom in the background chattering way, “I’m fine, I’m fine.” Margi said, “Holly, she is NOT fine.” Curtis and I were out the door and on our way within a few minutes. EMS took her to Resolute which is literally across the block from where they were. At the ER, they would only let 1 person back, so Curtis went on home. Poor momma. She had been talking with her 3 friends and had turned backward to continue chatting after they left a restaurant for lunch. She tripped backward over a concrete stop and had fallen back, with her head striking the pavement of the parking lot. She never lost consciousness but there was a lot of blood. They had her in CT when I arrived but she was back before too long. She kept apologizing. Luckily, she had no broken bones and no brain trauma. Whew. She ended up with a 3” laceration on the back of her head and got 1 stitch and 5 staples. She was feeling a little woozy so she agreed to use a cane or walker while at home to stay steady. This was her third fall this year but each one was circumstantial and isn’t a cause for concern yet. Staples come out Monday the 15th. 

If you have someone in your family who is older or is at risk for a fall, I HIGHLY recommend the Apple Watch. The fall detection really works and the watch called 911. The watch has to be paired with an iPhone so Android users would have to switch. But this is a life-saving feature. It can also monitor for AFib. If you are lucky enough to still have your mom in your life, call her right now and tell her how much you love and appreciate her. I mean it, life can change so quickly. <3

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/2.8 | 1/400 | ISO 640 | handheld

I hope to get this week’s photos edited and posted within the next few days. Thanks for looking!

365 in 52 [2021] ~ Week Forty-Three

Day 295, Friday, October 22nd, 2021

Dinner for the Arts

The Greater New Braunfels Arts Council hosts an annual fundraising dinner called Dinner for the Arts. Though I’ve not attended before, I’ve heard wonderful things about the party. Victor, the Vice President of our photo club, the New Braunfels Photographic Society, suggested I attend this year. So Curtis and I got on our fancy clothes and had an evening out last Friday. I set up our NBPS table… complete with our new marketing cards, our PSA club service award, and our poster board. We did get one new member sign up (hi Michelle if you’re reading this!) and it was lovely to connect with Ralph (and his wife, Sandy), another member of our photo club. 

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/6.3 | 1/320 | ISO 640 | handheld

Day 295, Friday, October 22nd, 2021

Arts Champion

Ralph and I both received an Arts Champion award for service to the club and to the greater arts community in New Braunfels. There were a half dozen or so folks recognized and it was lovely to be honored. The dinner had live music, delicious food, and great company. It was a fun evening out. Thank you, Ralph, for this photo!!!

New Braunfels lifestyle portrait photographer
Courtesy of Ralph Nordenhold | Sony RX10M4 | 24mm | f/2.5 | 1/50 | ISO 400

Day 296, Saturday, October 23rd, 2021

No photos today.

Day 297, Sunday, October 24th, 2021

Rain Lilies and Teeny Tiny Spider

We were lazy over the weekend. Curtis and I had gone out the previous weekend and this upcoming weekend is Dominic’s birthday trip to Austin, so we made a conscious decision to stay put. Plus my mom and Dominic weren’t home all weekend. We were all still in our jammies late Sunday afternoon and I thought that I’d wander outside to find a photo for the day. The tiny rain lilies that pop up fascinate me. They are so delicate. I started shooting this one and realized after pixel peeping that there was an even tinier spider hanging out on a tiny web. The bloom on this flower is no bigger than 1/4” so you can imagine just how small this guy was.

New Braunfels nature macro photographer
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/9 | 1/400 | ISO 800 | handheld

Day 298, Monday, October 25th, 2021

Teddy’s Depression Nest

Mom accompanied a friend to MD Anderson in Houston Thursday through Monday. It was Monday afternoon and Teddy, mom’s dog, was downright depressed from missing his momma. I was working at my computer and he hopped up on the bed behind me. I saw him out of my peripheral vision start knocking down pillows then he disappeared. I swear he made himself a nest in which he could hide and be sad. Awww. Just a few more hours, buddy!

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/2.8 | 1/160 | ISO 2800 | handheld

Day 299, Tuesday, October 26th, 2021


Since we haven’t had a lot going on this week, I went outside quite a few times to take photos. We have a wild lantana growing along the back fence line so I went to see if I could capture a good picture. I’ve always struggled to get a good shot of this particular plant. The blooms are very amorphous and always look out of focus to me once I download them. This time I caught a few hairy bits near the centers of the blooms and I think I captured their structure fairly well. I like that there is one yellow bloom amidst the sea of orange blooms. Sometimes I feel like an oddball, so I related to the yellow blossom.

New Braunfels nature macro photographer
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/5.6 | 1/250 | ISO 1000 | handheld

Day 300, Wednesday, October 27th, 2021

No photos today.

Day 301, Thursday, October 28th, 2021

Buzz Buzz

I noticed a few honey bees at work on the blue mealy sage when I was out on Sunday so I went back out mid-morning to see if I could capture one. They were moving pretty quickly and it was an extremely windy morning so I didn’t get a great shot. But I like the definition of this guy’s face. I cropped in fairly heavily and because the lighting was harsh, I thought this was stronger in black and white. I also added some grain in post but now think it may be too strong.

New Braunfels nature macro photographer
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/8 | 1/320 | ISO 200 | handheld

Day 301, Thursday, October 28th, 2021

Took My Breath Away

This small Mimosa Yellow (butterfly ID anyone?) was feeding on the blue mealy sage plant next to the one where the bees were buzzing around. I was able to get it completely isolated from the background and even though the light is harsh, I think it’s a very pretty capture. 

New Braunfels nature macro photographer
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/9 | 1/400 | ISO 320 | handheld

Thanks for looking!

365 in 52 [2021] ~ Week Forty-Two

Day 288, Friday, October 15th, 2021

Grandma and Anna

After 7 months of caring for her brother, Bill, my mother-in-law, Judy, got to go home to Ohio. Judy has been in Texas since February with just a couple of visits back home. She came down to visit us for a couple of days before her flight out of San Antonio and it was wonderful to see her. I realized late on Friday night that I hadn’t gotten any photos of her yet and as Anna was going to bed, I snapped a quick picture. Anna loves her Grandma. 

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/1.8 | 1/160 | ISO 2000 | handheld

Day 289, Saturday, October 16th, 2021

No photos today.

Day 290, Sunday, October 17th, 2021

No photos today.

Day 291, Monday, October 18th, 2021

Sweetest Neighbors

Dominic left for school a little early Monday morning and called to tell me that he saw 2 dogs running loose on Shady Hollow. He had cars behind him or he would’ve stopped. I told him no worries, that I would go look for them once Anna had gotten picked up. Curtis offered to come with me and I’m so glad he did. We stopped at the construction site around the corner when we spotted not 2, but 3 dogs running loose…and they were BIG dogs. They were all friendly, 2 of them were Australian Shepherds and 1 was a Great Pyrenees. The Aussies hopped right in the car but Curtis had to lift the Pyrenees in the back of my SUV. They had no identification on their collars so I searched our neighborhood Facebook page for Aussies and found a post 3 years prior about grooming where a neighbor shared some photos. Bingo! One of the dogs was a perfect match. So I sent her a PM and tagged her in a post. I had a call within 15 minutes. This sweet family was in San Antonio and didn’t even know their pack had gotten loose… Blaize, Cash, and Izzie. The husband and wife were at our house within an hour to pick them up and they were so grateful that they brought a bouquet of flowers that afternoon to say thank you. Awwww!

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/1.8 | 1/160 | ISO 800 | handheld

Day 292, Tuesday, October 19th, 2021

Muddy Before

Our good deed of picking up the three puppers the day before led to a bit of a muddy car. It was damp and dewy that morning and the Aussies and Pyrenees had a fun romp through the neighborhood, especially at the construction site, where they got a little muddy. I again took to our neighborhood Facebook page and searched for a mobile car detailer since the guy I had used in the past never responded to me. Lots of neighbors recommended Jesse Sambrano with Spankyz Mobile Detail. I messaged Jesse and he offered to come first thing Tuesday. Of course, I had to get some “before” pictures!

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/6.3 | 1/250 | ISO 400 | handheld

Day 292, Tuesday, October 19th, 2021

Jesse Hard at Work

I mentioned to my mom that I was going to get a mobile car detailer to come clean my car and she said she wanted her car cleaned as well. She was going to be accompanying a friend to MD Anderson in Houston Thursday through Monday and wanted her car to be clean for the drive. Curtis said he’d like his car cleaned too so Jesse had his work cut out for him. Poor guy woke up to a flat tire on his work van so he arrived a little late. We had him start on Curtis’s car since it was the easiest to access. Then he did my mom’s car which meant he had to come back on Wednesday to do mine. 

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/11 | 1/250 | ISO 400 | handheld

Day 293, Wednesday, October 20th, 2021

Pristine After

Wow wow wow! My car has never looked so good! Curtis’s car (and mom’s too!) looks like it rolled off the showroom floor. My Enclave is 10 years old and some of the leather is worn, but Jesse made it look as good as possible. Every crack and crevice is pristine. Not a drop of dirt or mud to be found anywhere. I don’t want to let the kids have food in the car ever again!

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/9 | 1/250 | ISO 400 | handheld 

Day 293, Wednesday, October 20th, 2021

Spankyz Mobile Detail

Jesse was kind enough to pose for me in front of my clean car, isn’t he great? If anyone in New Braunfels wants his contact info, here you go: Jesse Sambrano, Spankyz Mobile Detail, 210-287-3875. Small SUVs are $130, medium SUVs are $150. Worth every penny. He invested 4-5 hours per car. 

Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/9 | 1/250 | ISO 250 | handheld 

Day 294, Thursday, October 21st, 2021

Follow Up with Gastro

Dominic’s CT results came in and showed mild sigmoid diverticulosis which is unusual in a 17-year old. I think it’s from his EDS. Diverticulosis just means there are areas in the intestinal wall that form pouches. If one of those pouches gets infected (like from eating corn or seeds that get stuck), then that’s called diverticulitis and can be more dangerous. We decided to go see Dr. Arnold in person to strategize and he worked us in at 7:30 am Thursday morning. Dominic is down 32 pounds since January, has very little appetite, and has intense stomach pain even if he doesn’t eat. Dr. Arnold is running a few more tests (a few more labs and some breath tests to check for porphyria), but doesn’t really expect to find anything. The amitriptyline has helped his chronic diarrhea but not the pain. As of right now, he’s still just diagnosed with IBS. We will keep you posted.

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/3.2 | 1/200 | ISO 1250 | handheld

Day 294, Thursday, October 21st, 2021

New Orthopedic Doc

After I got Dominic dropped off at school after his early morning appointment, I went home to pick up Anna to meet a new orthopedic doctor for her knees and hips. She woke up with right knee pain a few weeks ago that lasted over a week, then her left hip started hurting last week… probably from compensating for the knee pain. Sure enough her IT band is inflamed and angry. She got a referral to get physical therapy to strengthen her lower body. I hope she can see Dr. Katie again at Texas Physical Therapy Specialists. Also Anna’s mood has gotten a little unstable, darn it. She’d been doing so well on the Paxil but had gotten super constipated again, so I think she got toxic. We are waiting to hear back from the psychiatrist. It’s always something!

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/2.8 | 1/160 | ISO 1250 | handheld

Thanks for looking!

365 in 52 [2021] ~ Week Forty-One

Day 281, Friday, October 8th 2021

Cute Guy, Bad Hair Day

Jenny and Wyatt came down to spend the night because Jenny wanted to attend the Friends of the Library book sale at the civic center on Saturday. Since my father-in-law was already here and staying upstairs, we put Anna in the twin bed upstairs with Grandpa and let Jenny and Wyatt (and the dogs) take Anna’s bed. Shortly after they got here, we made drinks and sat at the dining room table to play Cards Against Humanity. Curt had never played before and Dominic even came out to join us (omg we had to explain several words to Grandpa that he’d never heard of… lordy, that was funny!). We had just sat down when I looked over at my husband to explain to the table that he usually wins this game because he is the most depraved of all of us when I noticed his hair. LOL. I had to snap a pic. Cute guy, bad hair day! This usually happens when he takes a shower and puts on his headphones before his hair is dry. Jenny fussed at me for taking a photo and laughing. I was just teasing, but maybe it wasn’t nice to take a picture and post in online?!

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/2 | 1/200 | ISO 2500 | handheld

Day 282, Saturday, October 9th, 2021

Jenny Serious

Jenny is starting a new job with AlertMedia as a Global Intelligence Analyst and needed a new headshot for her badge. I was touched that she asked me. She did one serious and one smiling. She’s going to crop it down to a square.

New Braunfels lifestyle portrait photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/3.5 | 1/200 | ISO 320 | handheld

Jenny Smiling

New Braunfels lifestyle portrait photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/3.5 | 1/200 | ISO 320 | handheld

Jenny and Dominic

Since Dominic dyed his hair red in honor of his sister, I wanted to get a shot of them together. Dominic is towering over her now so it was hard with the lens I was using to get them in frame together! Dominic’s hair looks more gingery next to Jenny’s bright magenta hair, and I love love love seeing them together.

New Braunfels lifestyle portrait photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/4 | 1/200 | ISO 320 | handheld

Day 283, Sunday, October 10th, 2021

Tipsy Cow

With Curt visiting, I actually cooked almost all of our dinners (and Dominic made his famous steaks too!) but we decided on Sunday to go to Granny D’s for lunch then got Tipsy Cow that evening for dessert. Curt had never had alcohol-infused ice cream and he really liked it. I enjoyed some Bride of Frankenstein which had heath bar pieces, golden oreos, and white chocolate chips. Yummy.

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/3.5 | 1/160 | ISO 1250 | handheld

Day 284, Monday, October 11th, 2021

Host Home Sign Off

I am officially employed as Anna’s Host Home Provider for HCS! This is Kristi, who will be my Daybreak Community Services coordinator and she came out to the house to have me sign the final paperwork. We first got notified in February that after 15 years, Anna’s name had come up on the Home and Community Based Services interest list. Here we are 7 months later, whew. I’ve never filled out so much paperwork in my life. But it will be worth it to have Anna’s needs taken care of, at home and in the community. They will pay for day hab once she’s done with Life Bridges. If she gets employed, they will even provide an aide on the job. Being her Host Home means that I get paid to do all the things I’m already doing. Yay!

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/3.2 | 1/160 | ISO 1600 | handheld

Day 285, Tuesday, October 12th, 2021

Abdominal CT for D

Dominic’s ultrasound from last week showed no abnormalities so Dr. Arnold ordered an abdominal CT with contrast. He had to fast for 5 hours and drink 32 ounces of water an hour before the scan. He did great, he was very brave, and the tech was awesome. We don’t have results yet but I’ll keep everyone posted.

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/3.2 | 1/160 | ISO 800 | handheld 

Day 286, Wednesday, October 13th, 2021

Nature’s String of Pearls

We had torrential rain today from the remnants of Hurricane Pamela and school was canceled for Thursday due to local flooding. But before it started pouring in the middle of the night, we woke up to a moist and damp wonderland of tropical air. All of the baby orb weavers are growing up and our trees are blanketed in dewy webs. It was beautiful!

New Braunfels nature macro photographer
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/6.3 | 1/250 | ISO 1000 | handheld

Day 286, Thursday, October 14th, 2021

Lush for October

After the rain cleared out, I looked in the backyard and marveled at how lush and green everything looks, especially for mid-October. It’s usually dry as straw out there this time of year. We were happy that Brogan came out to do the lawn before the rain hit. I feel so blessed to live in the beautiful Texas Hill Country! 

New Braunfels nature photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/5 | 1/200 | ISO 640 | handheld

Thanks for looking!

365 in 52 [2021] ~ Week Forty

Day 274, Friday, October 1st, 2021

Knock Knock

Every morning I take my mother a thermos of coffee from our full pot of Sumatra. Last Friday Anna and I took the coffee over before Anna went to Life Bridges and we saw this toad sitting on mom’s doorstep! He did not hop away when we approached him so I went home and got my camera to see if I could grab a shot. Not only did I get a shot but I got a little video, which most of you will see in this month’s 1 Second Everyday project. Doesn’t he look likes he’s saying, “Knock, knock, is anyone home?”

New Braunfels nature photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/1.8 | 1/100 | ISO 4500 | handheld

Day 275, Saturday, October 2nd, 2021

Women’s March 2021 Group Sign Shot

Saturday was a national Women’s March to protest Senate Bill 8, the “Heartbeat Bill” that Texas recently passed into law. My mom organized our local march here in New Braunfels and invited the Democratic Women of Comal County to sponsor the protest (she is on the Board of Directors with the DWCC). Mom also invited me to join her as the DWCC’s official photographer and this was something I was thrilled to do. Every woman’s decision whether or not to continue a pregnancy should be hers and her alone, not the government’s. SB-8 prohibits abortions after 6 weeks and does not allow provisions for assault, rape, or incest. It made me think about Anna… what if she were assaulted? We might not know she was impregnated until after 6 weeks. Can you imagine making her go through a pregnancy and birth? It’s obscene. I was proud to march with my mom and I was proud to capture these images. We had over 230 men, women, and children show up to march. I have more than 60 photos to share but this one is my favorites… it’s a panorama of 6 images stitched together, everyone with their signs. It was an incredibly powerful day.

New Braunfels lifestyle documentary photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/8 | 1/400 | ISO 100 | panorama

Day 276, Sunday, October 3rd, 2021

No photos today. I was exhausted from yesterday’s protest.

Day 277, Monday, October 4th, 2021

Eye Exam

I was way overdue for an eye exam as evidenced by my continual squinting, taking on and off of my glasses to read up close, and recent blurry photos. I have never loved my eye doctor here in New Braunfels so I took to Yelp to find a new one. (And I didn’t love the guy that recently did my mom’s cataract surgery… he was a bit patronizing to her.) I found Refined Eye Care with Dr. Audrey Raley with perfect 5-star reviews. Her staff (I met Macy and Alyssa) were warm and welcoming. Her space is clean, modern, and beautifully appointed with a feminine touch. She has all of the latest technology to examine the eyes (no puff of air!) and she is so incredibly knowledgeable about everything ocular. I’m wearing new contacts in which I can see near and far and have a new glasses prescription to fill. I did find a gorgeous pair of frames but they were too expensive for me… maybe for Christmas.

New Braunfels lifestyle self-portrait photographer
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/3.2 | 1/320 | ISO 1000 | handheld

Day 278, Tuesday, October 5th, 2021

Grandpa is Here

It’s been almost 2 years since we’ve gotten to see Grandpa Curt and we were so excited that he was coming down for a visit. Curt arrived Tuesday and is leaving Sunday. Since his triple bypass, he has retired and is enjoying taking life at a slower pace. Ha! Who are we kidding? Though the heart surgery slowed him down a little, he’s still a power house of projects and travel. He’s already fixed one of our deer troughs and we are enjoying hearing stories of his other adventures. 

New Braunfels lifestyle photographer
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/1.8 | 1/200 | ISO 1000 | handheld

Day 279, Wednesday, October 6th, 2021

Nancy’s New Dog

One of my neighborhood friends, Nancy, recently lost her dog to old age. She was heartbroken because Mickey died while she and her husband were at church. Anna and I tried to provide a little comfort with some flowers but it’s so hard to lose your fur-baby. Especially when you have an empty nest! So I was super excited when she texted me a couple of weeks ago and said she had stopped at the Humane Society of New Braunfels on the spur of the moment and fell in love with a blonde lab. Her husband, Steve, met him and fell in love too, so he got to come home with them that very night. Meet Max! Isn’t he gorgeous?!? Nancy says he’s the perfect dog. He doesn’t chew on things, he’s housebroken, he’s cuddly, and he already knows basic commands. I got to meet him and I fell in love too. What a sweetheart!!! How could anyone ever surrender this dog? HSNBA says he was microchipped but never registered and he was at the shelter for a month and a half. Oh my heart!

New Braunfels lifestyle pet photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/2.2 | 1/200 | ISO 1000 | handheld 

Day 280, Thursday, October 7th, 2021

Hand Fed Deer

Every single time this beautiful doe takes feed right from my hand, I feel a magical connection to her and to nature. Patience and consistency has led to this trust being formed and I don’t take it for granted. She is a gentle soul and so beautiful. I love our herd and especially this doe. I’m so glad we keep a lot of deer nutrition on hand! I’m hoping to get a few others to feel comfortable enough to do this too. <3

New Braunfels nature photographer
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/2.8 | 1/200 | ISO 400 | handheld

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