Day 358, Friday, December 24th, 2021
Merry Christmas Eve
Twas the night before Christmas… and I had never been so prepared and not prepared at the same time! I got my immediate family’s gifts purchased on Black Friday (online) and got the tree up that weekend too. We celebrated Jenny’s birthday then went to Vegas. Ever since, I’ve been playing catch up. I totally forgot to get stocking stuffers. I didn’t really get gifts for anyone else. I didn’t make goodie bags for our wonderful support team (educators, house cleaners, garbage pickup, pool service, neighbors, etc.). But I did manage to make pecan balls to send to Pennsylvania (they are on their way, Beanie!) and snap a Christmas Eve photo. We had peace in the house and we were all looking forward to Christmas morning.

Day 359, Saturday, December 25th, 2021
Our Merry Elf
Ever since he was old enough to walk, Dominic has loved passing out gifts to people from under the Christmas tree. While we were drinking our coffee Saturday morning waiting on Nana to toddle over, Dominic distributed everyone’s gifts in nice piles. He got trash bags and scissors prepped too. I can’t remember what he was telling us here but it was surprising news!

Day 360, Sunday, December 26th, 2021
The Prettiest Ribbon
We were packing up and getting ready to drive to New Mexico Sunday morning but I couldn’t resist snapping a quick macro of the prettiest ribbon. My mom is a ribbon-aholic and has so many beautiful ribbons from which to choose fro wrapping. Every year, mom outdoes herself with pretty wrapping, especially with bows and ribbons. The wrapping is a gift unto itself! Just a quick snap then Curtis, Anna, and I were off on a 10.5 hour drive to visit Pam and her family.

Day 361, Monday, December 27th, 2021
Sheilah Making Cinnamon Rolls
We woke up Monday morning excited to go to Pam’s house. We got there a little after 10 after stopping at Walmart to see if they had an official NFL football. Anna decided that the regular football she had wasn’t good enough… it wasn’t Dak worthy because it didn’t have the NFL logo. Walmart did not have one in the store. When we got to Pam’s, Sheilah was busy bustling around the kitchen making homemade cinnamon rolls. OMG. Those rolls were the most delicious thing ever. And that was just the beginning of delicious food she cooked all day long!

Day 361, Monday, December 27th, 2021
Anna and Gregg Dak-ing Out
Even though Gregg is a Steelers fan, he was very kind to watch some Cowboys and Dak Prescott videos with his niece. Curtis was playing on his new Oculus in the background while Seth kept a watchful side eye on me. Gregg told Anna about the Duke football, it’s the kind that they actually use in the game. That gave her something new to look up!

Day 361, Monday, December 27th, 2021
Pam Laughing at Anna
While Anna regaled Uncle Gregg with Dak accomplishments and just how cute he was, Pam smiled at the two of them bonding. Seth wasn’t sure of my camera and how I kept aiming it at his loved ones, lol. Pam’s hand infection is mostly healed and the whole household is better (for the most part) from the COVID infection that hit them at Thanksgiving. I think we made it there and back without getting sick, yay! We were careful wearing our masks in public and using hand sanitizer too. I’m so glad we all got our booster shots too.

Day 361, Monday, December 27th, 2021
Mountains All Around
Anna wanted to go outside to throw the football around and I took my camera to capture the mountains that surrounded us. Edgewood is about 6700 feet up and we could feel it! We had a few passes that we went up and down on our drive in and by the time we arrived, one of our chip bags had puffed up from the pressure.

Day 361, Monday, December 27th, 2021
Happy Anna
The Cowboys and Dak Prescott obsession remains strong and Anna loves playing football any time she can find a willing partner. She was so happy to have Pam and Gregg come out and watch her and Daddy toss the ball back and forth. Happy girl! We had a delicious Christmas dinner, played some Cards Against Humanity, then went back to the hotel late.

Day 362, Tuesday, December 28th, 2021
Serious Snow Storm
Pam warned us that we might see snow during our visit. And on Tuesday, the weather warnings started. That sky! That was a very serious snow storm brewing to the north. It didn’t start really falling in our area until overnight.

Day 362, Tuesday, December 28th, 2021
Dramatic Sky
I couldn’t decide which photo of the giant dark cloud I liked better so I thought I’d share both! I just kneeled down to try to isolate the dead tree trunk but still got a shed intersecting with part of it. It really was quite dramatic! We woke up Wednesday to about an inch of snow on the ground. Though it was a short visit, it was wonderful to see Pam, Gregg, Gabe, and Sheilah. Gabe really doesn’t like having his picture taken so I was trying to respect that. We missed Dominic like crazy (and mom and the dogs too!) but I was so glad that we went. Thank you guys for hosting and cooking!!!

Day 363, Wednesday, December 29th, 2021
UFO Museum
We decided to come back home the more southern route (only about a 10 minute difference in driving time) and go through Roswell. Neither Curtis nor I had ever been there. GPS routed us around town so once we realized that, we went back into town. Curtis wanted to pick up an alien souvenir to put on his office shelf so we stopped at the UFO Museum. I stayed by the car and he ran inside. There wasn’t as much touristy stuff in town as I was expecting.

Day 363, Wednesday, December 29th, 2021
Leaving Welcome to Roswell
As we were leaving Roswell, I spotted the Welcome to Roswell sign on the opposite side of the road. I pulled a quick U-turn so I could get a photo. It sits in front of a now defunct locked building called the Roswell Test Facility. I thought it was some alien thing but nooo… it just used to be a saline water testing plant.

Day 364, Thursday, December 30th, 2021
Hidden in the Grass
Ahhh it’s nice to be home, especially nice to be back in our own bed. The older I get, the more hotel beds feel uncomfortable! We went from high 20s, biting wind, and snow to 80-degrees and sunny in one day. I was out back playing football with Anna when I noticed tons of tiny butterflies flitting among the grass. I wasn’t sure I could capture one, they move so quickly and were so low, but I got this one partially hidden. Butterflies always make me thing of my Nanny (whose birthday was January 1st).

Day 365, Thursday, December 31st, 2021
Sister Necklaces
Here we are at the end of 2021. What a strange year. We all thought it couldn’t be worse than 2020 and 2021 said, “Here, hold my beer!” Thankfully we didn’t lose anyone in our family and those who had COVID recovered. We have a lot to be grateful for. One of the best things that happened this year was reconnecting in person with Lisa and Pam, my sisters. I got them each this necklace… three hearts for three sisters. I’m the oldest so my first heart is solid, Lisa’s solid heart is in the middle (it should have arrived Wednesday, Lisa!), and Pam’s is the end. (That pretty blue ring was a gift from Jenny on her 30th birthday… yep, she got ME a gift for being a mom for 30 years, I cried!)
I’m not sure what I’m going to do in 2022 with my photography but I’m going to slow down and be more mindfully present. Update my website, catch up on some personal projects, but definitely continue the One Second Everyday project. I’ll post the year long compilation video soon! Love you all!

The End. Thanks for looking!