Day 295, Friday, October 22nd, 2021
Dinner for the Arts
The Greater New Braunfels Arts Council hosts an annual fundraising dinner called Dinner for the Arts. Though I’ve not attended before, I’ve heard wonderful things about the party. Victor, the Vice President of our photo club, the New Braunfels Photographic Society, suggested I attend this year. So Curtis and I got on our fancy clothes and had an evening out last Friday. I set up our NBPS table… complete with our new marketing cards, our PSA club service award, and our poster board. We did get one new member sign up (hi Michelle if you’re reading this!) and it was lovely to connect with Ralph (and his wife, Sandy), another member of our photo club.

Day 295, Friday, October 22nd, 2021
Arts Champion
Ralph and I both received an Arts Champion award for service to the club and to the greater arts community in New Braunfels. There were a half dozen or so folks recognized and it was lovely to be honored. The dinner had live music, delicious food, and great company. It was a fun evening out. Thank you, Ralph, for this photo!!!

Day 296, Saturday, October 23rd, 2021
No photos today.
Day 297, Sunday, October 24th, 2021
Rain Lilies and Teeny Tiny Spider
We were lazy over the weekend. Curtis and I had gone out the previous weekend and this upcoming weekend is Dominic’s birthday trip to Austin, so we made a conscious decision to stay put. Plus my mom and Dominic weren’t home all weekend. We were all still in our jammies late Sunday afternoon and I thought that I’d wander outside to find a photo for the day. The tiny rain lilies that pop up fascinate me. They are so delicate. I started shooting this one and realized after pixel peeping that there was an even tinier spider hanging out on a tiny web. The bloom on this flower is no bigger than 1/4” so you can imagine just how small this guy was.

Day 298, Monday, October 25th, 2021
Teddy’s Depression Nest
Mom accompanied a friend to MD Anderson in Houston Thursday through Monday. It was Monday afternoon and Teddy, mom’s dog, was downright depressed from missing his momma. I was working at my computer and he hopped up on the bed behind me. I saw him out of my peripheral vision start knocking down pillows then he disappeared. I swear he made himself a nest in which he could hide and be sad. Awww. Just a few more hours, buddy!

Day 299, Tuesday, October 26th, 2021
Since we haven’t had a lot going on this week, I went outside quite a few times to take photos. We have a wild lantana growing along the back fence line so I went to see if I could capture a good picture. I’ve always struggled to get a good shot of this particular plant. The blooms are very amorphous and always look out of focus to me once I download them. This time I caught a few hairy bits near the centers of the blooms and I think I captured their structure fairly well. I like that there is one yellow bloom amidst the sea of orange blooms. Sometimes I feel like an oddball, so I related to the yellow blossom.

Day 300, Wednesday, October 27th, 2021
No photos today.
Day 301, Thursday, October 28th, 2021
Buzz Buzz
I noticed a few honey bees at work on the blue mealy sage when I was out on Sunday so I went back out mid-morning to see if I could capture one. They were moving pretty quickly and it was an extremely windy morning so I didn’t get a great shot. But I like the definition of this guy’s face. I cropped in fairly heavily and because the lighting was harsh, I thought this was stronger in black and white. I also added some grain in post but now think it may be too strong.

Day 301, Thursday, October 28th, 2021
Took My Breath Away
This small Mimosa Yellow (butterfly ID anyone?) was feeding on the blue mealy sage plant next to the one where the bees were buzzing around. I was able to get it completely isolated from the background and even though the light is harsh, I think it’s a very pretty capture.

Thanks for looking!