Day 274, Friday, October 1st, 2021
Knock Knock
Every morning I take my mother a thermos of coffee from our full pot of Sumatra. Last Friday Anna and I took the coffee over before Anna went to Life Bridges and we saw this toad sitting on mom’s doorstep! He did not hop away when we approached him so I went home and got my camera to see if I could grab a shot. Not only did I get a shot but I got a little video, which most of you will see in this month’s 1 Second Everyday project. Doesn’t he look likes he’s saying, “Knock, knock, is anyone home?”

Day 275, Saturday, October 2nd, 2021
Women’s March 2021 Group Sign Shot
Saturday was a national Women’s March to protest Senate Bill 8, the “Heartbeat Bill” that Texas recently passed into law. My mom organized our local march here in New Braunfels and invited the Democratic Women of Comal County to sponsor the protest (she is on the Board of Directors with the DWCC). Mom also invited me to join her as the DWCC’s official photographer and this was something I was thrilled to do. Every woman’s decision whether or not to continue a pregnancy should be hers and her alone, not the government’s. SB-8 prohibits abortions after 6 weeks and does not allow provisions for assault, rape, or incest. It made me think about Anna… what if she were assaulted? We might not know she was impregnated until after 6 weeks. Can you imagine making her go through a pregnancy and birth? It’s obscene. I was proud to march with my mom and I was proud to capture these images. We had over 230 men, women, and children show up to march. I have more than 60 photos to share but this one is my favorites… it’s a panorama of 6 images stitched together, everyone with their signs. It was an incredibly powerful day.

Day 276, Sunday, October 3rd, 2021
No photos today. I was exhausted from yesterday’s protest.
Day 277, Monday, October 4th, 2021
Eye Exam
I was way overdue for an eye exam as evidenced by my continual squinting, taking on and off of my glasses to read up close, and recent blurry photos. I have never loved my eye doctor here in New Braunfels so I took to Yelp to find a new one. (And I didn’t love the guy that recently did my mom’s cataract surgery… he was a bit patronizing to her.) I found Refined Eye Care with Dr. Audrey Raley with perfect 5-star reviews. Her staff (I met Macy and Alyssa) were warm and welcoming. Her space is clean, modern, and beautifully appointed with a feminine touch. She has all of the latest technology to examine the eyes (no puff of air!) and she is so incredibly knowledgeable about everything ocular. I’m wearing new contacts in which I can see near and far and have a new glasses prescription to fill. I did find a gorgeous pair of frames but they were too expensive for me… maybe for Christmas.

Day 278, Tuesday, October 5th, 2021
Grandpa is Here
It’s been almost 2 years since we’ve gotten to see Grandpa Curt and we were so excited that he was coming down for a visit. Curt arrived Tuesday and is leaving Sunday. Since his triple bypass, he has retired and is enjoying taking life at a slower pace. Ha! Who are we kidding? Though the heart surgery slowed him down a little, he’s still a power house of projects and travel. He’s already fixed one of our deer troughs and we are enjoying hearing stories of his other adventures.

Day 279, Wednesday, October 6th, 2021
Nancy’s New Dog
One of my neighborhood friends, Nancy, recently lost her dog to old age. She was heartbroken because Mickey died while she and her husband were at church. Anna and I tried to provide a little comfort with some flowers but it’s so hard to lose your fur-baby. Especially when you have an empty nest! So I was super excited when she texted me a couple of weeks ago and said she had stopped at the Humane Society of New Braunfels on the spur of the moment and fell in love with a blonde lab. Her husband, Steve, met him and fell in love too, so he got to come home with them that very night. Meet Max! Isn’t he gorgeous?!? Nancy says he’s the perfect dog. He doesn’t chew on things, he’s housebroken, he’s cuddly, and he already knows basic commands. I got to meet him and I fell in love too. What a sweetheart!!! How could anyone ever surrender this dog? HSNBA says he was microchipped but never registered and he was at the shelter for a month and a half. Oh my heart!

Day 280, Thursday, October 7th, 2021
Hand Fed Deer
Every single time this beautiful doe takes feed right from my hand, I feel a magical connection to her and to nature. Patience and consistency has led to this trust being formed and I don’t take it for granted. She is a gentle soul and so beautiful. I love our herd and especially this doe. I’m so glad we keep a lot of deer nutrition on hand! I’m hoping to get a few others to feel comfortable enough to do this too. <3

Thanks for looking!