Day 260, Friday, September 17th, 2021
Tiny Succulent
I’ve been feeling a little bored this month, the kids haven’t had a lot going on. So I wandered over to my mom’s porch. She always has new plants waiting to be re-potted. I found these tiny succulents… this particular one was less than 3 inches big. The pot was about 2”x2” and I was enchanted with the spears and spots. Isn’t it cool looking?
Day 261, Saturday, September 18th, 2021
Bark Box
Dominic’s birthday gift for Nana was super late, not sure what caused the delay. It was supposed to arrive September 10th and didn’t get here until the 17th. Dominic got it wrapped up Saturday morning and took it to mom. It was a trial Bark Box with 2 stuffed toys and a ton of treats. Teddy was so happy and mom was thrilled too. Teddy wasn’t entirely sure about the Beaver toy but he loved the Smores squeaker!
Day 262, Sunday, September 19th, 2021
No photos today.
Day 263, Monday, September 20th, 2021
Black Swallowtail
I haven’t seen a swallowtail in years! This one came to visit (and actually if you watch my 1SE project at the end of the month, you’ll see it joined by a friend!) and fluttered all around the plumbago. Swallowtails flutter their wings continually and very very fast. I should’ve increased my shutter speed significantly but I was too distracted by trying to get a shot. Seriously, it didn’t stop moving and flitted from flower to flower so quickly, I could barely keep it in frame. The lighting is harsh and his top wings are blurred, but his eye is focused and I was pleased to get a usable shot.
Day 264, Tuesday, September 21st, 2021
Frog Drops
Our sprinklers went off on Tuesday and the sun was shining so pretty through the drops that I was compelled to get a photo. I tried to focus on the two drops balanced precariously on the leaf just to the left of center (I didn’t want to crop in because I LOVE water bokeh so much!). The two drops look like frog eyes to me, do you see it?
Day 265, Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021
No photos today.
Day 266, Thursday, September 23rd, 2021
Lola Lou
Lola was getting quite shaggy so she got a haircut this week. Isn’t she a sweet girl? She loves snuffling in the grass to find insects and interesting smells. She is my little loaf of potato bread.
Thanks for looking!