
Macro Mondays: Chocolate

This week’s theme for the Flickr Macro Mondays group is “Chocolate.” From this week’s instructions (via Moderator Cartale):

Chocolate is a preparation of roasted and ground cacao seeds that is made in the form of a liquid, paste, or in a block, that can also be used as a flavoring ingredient in other foods. Examples of these are cakes, cookies, decorations, and drinks.

I have added a small gallery with examples of Chocolate foods here.

The chocolate has to be visible in the shot. If not, it will be excluded from the Macro Mondays pool.

Chocolate Caramel Crispy

Last spring, I rededicated myself to becoming healthier and rejoined Weight Watchers for the *cough cough* 5th time. The WW app makes it very easy to see a particular food’s nutritional information by simply scanning the bar code. One discovery I made was the most delicious chocolate treat made by ChocoRite. This is the chocolate caramel crispy… it’s sugar-free, high in fiber, 35 calories per piece and only 1 WW smart point per piece. And it’s DELICIOUS! At my local grocery store, these treats are located with the diet aids like SlimFast. Yum!

Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/13 | 1/25 | ISO 1600 | tripod

Diet Dark Chocolate

Almost as good as the chocolate caramel crispy is the ChocoRite dark chocolate bar. It has similar nutritional values as the crispy… 35 calories a piece, 1 WW smart point, high in fiber, and sugar free. My mom prefers this treat.

Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/13 | 1/15 | ISO 1600 | tripod

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