
Macro Mondays: Wabi-Sabi

This week’s theme for the Flickr Macro Mondays group is “Wabi-Sabi.” From this week’s instructions (via Moderator George Frizzell):

Our next theme is a Member’s Choice theme suggested by member 
Life, unscripted Photography.

Here is what inspired Life, unscripted Photography to submit “Wabi-sabi” for Macro Mondays:

Wabi-sabi is a Japanese word roughly translating as ‘imperfect aged beauty’. It is used to describe a particular philosophy that beauty can be found in the old, the everyday, the imperfect, broken and decaying subjects. 

In a macro world this could include things such as cracked or peeling paint, chipped china, a child’s pottery attempt, roughness on a surface, decay, rust, cracks, dust, cobwebs or something old, worn or well loved. Things that would normally be seen as imperfect, can look amazing with beautiful detail when you view it from a macro perspective. I’m sure there are many things that can be found around the house that not only have imperfections, but possibly great memories or stories attached to them. 

Our world is imperfect, especially in these trying times, so why not look at the glass half full – look around you, find the imperfections and photograph them beautifully?

Broken Cone

I love exploring the empty lot we own next door. At the moment, it’s filled with tall wildflowers and grasses. The deer love to roam through it in the morning and in the evening. For this week’s Macro Mondays theme of “Wabi-Sabi,” I found this cone flower with the petals partially eaten. Though it’s not perfect, there is still beauty to be enjoyed in this pretty flower. I didn’t even realize there was an ant on the petal until I had downloaded and cropped my image.

Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/8 | 1/250 | ISO 1250


I also found this old broken spider web with a dandelion seed tangled in it. The web was so translucent that I almost walked right into it! I liked the chewed petals a little better for submitting to Macro Mondays but this also has that wabi-sabi feel to it.

Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/8 | 1/250 | ISO 1250

Thanks for looking!

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