Monday, October 29th, 2018
This week’s theme for the Flickr Macro Mondays group is “Trick or Treat.” From this week’s instructions (from Steve Crawford):
In Samhain, Halloween, Day of the Dead, Hop-tu-Naa, Rummelpott, Fastelavn, Pão-por-Deus and other traditions dating back to antiquity children, often in costume or disguise, go from home to home seeking food, candy, coins or other treats. In some traditions the child must perform a dance, sing a song, tell a joke or perform some other “trick” in order to receive the treat. In others the trick is the threat of mischief should the homeowner fail to produce. Sometimes a trick is neither required nor threatened.
In ancient Greece children dressed as swallows, sang songs and demanded food under threat of mischief. Sugar skulls are given out during Day of the Dead in Mexico. In Ireland children wear “guises” and receive food, coins or chocolate while in the United States the Halloween candy given to costumed children accounts for the majority of annual confection sales.
This week make a trick-or-treat related macro. Your photo may relate to the trick, the treat, the costume or the decorations related to your selected holiday or festival. Include in your description the festival or holiday that is represented.
You may find inspiration from the trick-or-treat Wikipedia page.
Glittery Spooky Halloween
Anna had a particularly rough week last week. It was a full moon, Curtis was traveling, and Anna broke her second pair of glasses this month (they are $300 a pair so this is really aggravating). She has regressed a lot behaviorally since her 1-1 aide was promoted to another school. She has so much support at CLHS and she continues to struggle. It’s hard to not worry about her future post high school. We had some big incentives for her to make good choices at school and she did finally have a somewhat decent day on Wednesday. So what does this have to do with a glittery spooky pumpkin candle? Well my mom has the nicest friends. One of her closest friends, Pat, got this tiny little Halloween candle and passed it on to my mom because she thought of Anna. The tea candle inside is battery-operated so it’s safe for her to have on her nightstand. Mom thought it might be nice to give to Anna as a little treat or reward for making a good choice at school. Isn’t that the sweetest? Since we really don’t participate in Halloween because Anna is scared of little kids, costumes, and the dark (put all three together and her anxiety goes through the roof), this is the only reminder of the holiday we have this year. Thank you, Pat. And hang in there, my sweet Anna Booski-kins… it will get better. Mommy loves you.
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/13 | 2.5 sec | ISO 400 | tripod
I’m sorry I haven’t been posting regularly. Life has been hard lately. Thanks for looking!