Saturday, August 12th, 2017
Morning Routine
This week’s prompt is “Morning Routine” for the Instagram project #portraitsofme. After a month off from blogging for this project, I am excited to be back! One very special part of my morning routine is taking a cup of fresh, hot, black coffee to my mom. I love that she lives a few steps away from us and that I can do this special thing for her most mornings. It’s such a darling routine… the dogs hear the keys jangle as I take them off the key rack and they start prancing around my feet. As I pour a cup of coffee to take over, I have to hush the dogs because they go so excited to go to Nana’s house. I quietly open our dining room slider and notice the breeze, the sunshine, and the morning sounds of the birds chirping. After unlocking her front door, I turn off her front porch light and creep into her room. Cricket and Kitty McGee are always arranged in some form or fashion around mom and they blink at me blearily as I set the cup down on my mom’s little bedside table. Some mornings, she is still asleep and I try to leave quietly without waking her. Most mornings she is awake already and singing “Coffee Angel” as I enter her room. Sometimes we chat for a few minutes, sometimes I’m so foggy that I mumble a quick “good morning” then stumble back home for my own cup of coffee. It’s a tradition that I love and adore and will always remember the rest of my life.
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/2.5 | 1/160 | ISO 50 | tripod with wifi-enabled remote shutter release
Thanks for looking!