Curtis and I will be blogging about our trip to Italy soon (and sharing TONS of photos!) but first we want to focus on the kids. They both did SO good while we were gone. I’ll share Anna’s photos from camp next week.
Dominic finished up his college psychology class through Duke TIP at Trinity University. We got fewer and fewer calls and texts from him as time went on which told us that Dominic was engaged and having fun. We got to follow along on the Duke blog, Term 2. Here are some photos they posted! I don’t know who took them so all photo credit goes to the anonymous photographer from Duke TIP!
Doesn’t it look like he had a great time?!?
Dominic’s 13th birthday was the day after we got back so we celebrated it at home (everyone was tired!). Jenny and Chris came down too which was wonderful because Dominic’s big gift was mainly from them. More on that in just a bit!
Happy 13th!
Dominic is getting ready to enter 8th grade. He’s already 5’7″ and predicted to be as tall as Curtis (he’s now the second tallest member of our immediate family!). At 13, Dominic is about a year or two away from achieving Eagle Scout, loves playing video games on all platforms, and has a crew of very good friends. We could not be prouder of him!
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/1.4 | 1/160 | ISO 800
Big Gift is a Big Hit
Jenny and Chris orchestrated Dominic’s big gift… a trip with them to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando! Jenny and Chris visited there in February and she immediately began planning on a way to take Dominic. They got him his very own wand which will become an interactive tool when visiting the park. They leave Friday, September 1st, and come home the following Tuesday. We provided his plane ticket, but they have arranged everything else!
The Harry Potter books came out when Jenny was a little girl and we read them out loud to her every night. She read and re-read those books until they fell apart then she passed them onto Dominic when he started reading. They both love the series and Jenny is so excited to share the magic of the special place with her little brother.
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/1.4 | 1/160 | ISO 800
Make a Wish
Of course Nana made a homemade birthday cake (tradition!). Dominic lit his own candles this year then made a wish. He has a very blessed life and has matured so much this last year. He manages his challenges with grace and is proving to be more resilient than ever.
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/2 | 1/200 | ISO 800
Meme Face
OMG, look at Dominic! Does that not look like a meme face to you? It’s so funny that this was our first take… on our Italy trip Curtis did this to me for nearly every selfie. Goofy face boys.
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/4.5 | 1/250 | ISO 250
The Whole Fam
July 29th, 2017… Jenny (25), Nana (67), Chris (26), me (47), Curtis (47), Anna (16), and Dominic (13!!!). My heart is full. Happy 13th birthday, Dominic!!!
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/5 | 1/250 | ISO 640
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