Monday, July 10th, 2017
This week’s theme for the Flickr Macro Monday group is “Bottoms Up.” From this week’s instructions:
And no, this theme is not about drinking! Or tushies. ????
Bottoms Up is intended to have you explore the bottom of things you don’t normally see. In the past we have had themes where we looked at objects from the top (looking down on them) or looking up at them, or viewing them sideways–on their side. I think it is time to turn things completely upside down and photograph the bottom–the side that is rarely seen (and is usually meant to be unseen).
“Bottoms Up” doesn’t mean photographing objects with two opposing sides like coins, cards, books, feathers or hands. It means selecting objects that clearly have a side that is normally unseen and photographing it. To me this means turning the object upside-down and photographing the BOTTOM of it. Like the bottom of a vase, shoe, chair leg or egg carton.
Toad Belly
We decided to take a family swim on Saturday. As I was prepping the pool (getting out the pool noodles, skimming, and taking the vacuum out of the pool), I saw something moving in the water. Imagine my surprise when I realized it was a toad! Yep, a big ole toad was swimming in our pool. I gently removed him and had the kids come take a look. Anna has always loved frogs and toads and she immediately wanted to keep him. I let her carry him around for a while, then daddy took him to let him go. With his pruny fingers still damp from the pool, I asked Curtis to very carefully turn the toad over so I could get a quick snap of his belly for this week’s bottoms up theme. I think the toad’s belly looks like a bunch of single cells with the nucleus in the center. What a cool texture and pattern! I then thanked the toad and let him go. We’ve seen him at night several times so he’s made our backyard his home. 🙂
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/7.1 | 1/320 | ISO 1250
Thanks for looking!