My boys left for Boy Scouts summer camp on Sunday. They are in Hatfield, Arkansas and are coming home on Saturday. The house is very, very quiet. Especially with Cooper still missing (we are giving up hope that he will be found). Dominic is logging nearly 20K steps a day at camp! I’ve been texting a little with Curtis but with as close are we are right now, it’s very hard having him gone so much.
Anna started ESY (extended school year aka summer school) on Tuesday. She will attend through the end of July, every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8-12. There are only four kids total in her class and her current teacher met with her former substitute teacher last week to make a game plan for summer school. This week went GREAT! No meltdowns, no behavior problems, she did all her work, and she came home happy every day. She got a haircut yesterday and it looks so cute! One of the aides at her old school is providing some respite on Mondays and Fridays for the afternoons too. It’s shaping up to be the best summer ever!
Today is Jenny and Chris’s 3rd wedding anniversary, 9 years total! Happy Anniversary guys!!!
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/4.5 | 1/320 | ISO 400
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