Yesterday was the last day of school. It was the hardest school year of my children’s lives so far (2nd grade was a near second for both of them) and I am VERY happy to see it in the rearview mirror, as I’m sure they are. I won’t go back and revisit the heartache, the suspensions, the legal counsel we nearly employed, the weekly visits to counselors, therapists, psychiatrists, etc. I will simply express gratitude for the caring individuals who went above and beyond to help my children. I hate to name names because I don’t want anyone to feel left out, but if they read this blog, then they are special to us. I also want to raise a toast to Dominic and Anna, because they worked so very hard to overcome some really tough circumstances. They persevered and overcame. Bravo guys.
Dominic’s Last Day of 7th Grade
Dominic is 12 years old at the end of 7th grade. He still enjoys Minecraft and plays various online games with his friends using Discord to chat with them. He has outgrown the bottle flipping phase and now yells, “Do you like jazz?” in an annoying voice at least 10 times an hour. He loves YouTube and memes. He has a guinea pig named Domino. He has bonded the most with Stuart, our foster failure dog we adopted last year; Stuart sleeps with Dominic every night. Dominic is close with his dad, both of his sisters, and his nana. He still likes to sleep with me when Daddy travels though I know this won’t last much longer. He has attained Star rank in the Boy Scouts and was inducted into the Order of the Arrow. He will be attending Boy Scouts summer camp for a week in Arkansas with his dad in June. He got all As and Bs this year and was invited to be part of Duke TIP based on his high SAT score. He will be taking a college psychology class this summer living on campus for the month of July at Trinity University in San Antonio. He has overcome crippling depression and severe ADHD. We are very very proud of him!
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/3.2 | 1/200 | ISO 500
Anna’s Last Day of 9th Grade
Anna is 16 years old at the end of 9th grade. She most enjoys playing Nintendogs on her Nintendo DS. She still loves all of her baby dolls too but only plays with them on screen breaks. She still likes Fall Out Boy the best of all the music she listens to, but her crush on Andy Hurley, the drummer, has faded a little. She is a bit boy crazy and has declared two crushes at her new school. She wants to spend most of her free time at home over with Nana… they are best friends… and she loves Cricket, Nana’s dog. Anna has become scared of Cooper, her cockatiel, so she doesn’t like to hold him anymore (he has bitten her a couple of times, we don’t know why). The move to a new high school in April was the best thing that happened this year. Her new teacher is unlocking Anna’s potential, even saying that Anna could add and subtract two-digit numbers in her head. What?!?! That is awesome! We are very excited about next year. Anna is attending ESY (extended school year) starting next week, TWTh, from 8-12, just like the last two summers. In late July, she is attending her very first sleepover camp called CampCamp. It’s for 6 days! She has overcome severe behavioral meltdowns, crippling anxiety, and health perseverations. We are seeing our little girl emerge again. We are so very very proud of her!
Nikon D750 | 85mm | f/3.2 | 1/200 | ISO 400
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