Saturday, March 18th, 2017
Evening Routine
This week’s prompt is “Evening Routine” for the Instagram project #portraitsofme. Every school night for as long as Anna has been going to school, we have the same evening routine. At 7:00 p.m., I start herding Anna to the shower. She is getting more independent with getting undressed and washed, but I still have to help her remove her bra sometimes and I always have to help wash her hair. She just can’t quite get the hair clean around her face on her own yet. After her shower, Anna dries off, puts on her nightgown, we check privates, then she puts on her pull-up. Finally Anna brushes her teeth and takes her pills. After she is completely done, she climbs in bed and I lay down with her. We usually watch funny videos for about 10 minutes then lights off and cuddles. She craves the cuddle time at the end of the day and I consider myself lucky that at age 16, she still allows me to cuddle her. I think she needs the physical contact in order to let go of her anxiety and relax. She is usually asleep by 7:45 p.m. It’s part of her routine on every school night and she does it with my mom when she sleeps over there on weekend nights too. She can do her routine completely on her own but after a few days, her hair is oily and her girl parts need attention. She still needs her momma, yknow?
I love my sweet Anna-booski. She is my special girl. <3<3<3
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/2.8 | 1/200 | ISO 2500 | wifi-enabled shutter release
Thanks for looking!