Happy New Year! Let me start by saying I don’t really believe in resolutions… I think if you are going to make a change, do it now! Why wait for a calendar date? If you want to exercise more, go for a walk. If you want to eat healthier, then put a vegetable in your mouth. Right? Well I do think having goals is a good thing and we can also have intentions… things we want to work on. I mentioned this a little in my last blog post talking about my anxiety and insecurity… I want to work on shutting down that negative voice in my head.
While Anna and I were at the doctor’s office last week for her knee, we talked about creating a 2017 Bucket List. I explained to her that a bucket list was a list of things you wanted to do but the items might seem impossible or far-fetched or difficult. Anna wants to ride a train. I told her about the Hill Country Flyer and that we could put that on her bucket list for 2017… and her eyes lit up.
It started me thinking about what I would put on my bucket list for 2017, and what I wanted to do with my photography this year. I like having a full year’s worth of photos to look back on but don’t love the pressure of shooting everyday. I also like having regular dates in which I post, it keeps me motivated to write and share. So I’m still flirting with ideas… but instead of daily shooting I would have a few weekly goals, like Macro Monday, Thoughtful Thursday, and Selfie Saturday. Less shooting but more frequent posting. Mondays would be artistic, Thursday would be family, and Saturdays would be working on my biggest goal/intention/”resolution” this year… me. There is an Instagram movement called #portraitsofme that gives weekly prompts for doing selfies. January 2nd’s prompt was “goal” and I want more photos of me and Curtis together. So by this Saturday, I will get a new photo taken with the two of us and share that on Saturday.
In the meantime, my first post of the New Year celebrates a lack of resolutions and just sharing what makes me happy.
Monday, January 2nd, 2017
Mom Scolding
I took this photo of Anna on Monday, she was scolding me for something. I don’t even remember what but I just love her sass and attitude. She has no problem telling you how she feels and asking for what she wants. I’m going to model myself after her this year. Ask for what I want and set my boundaries. Be bolder. Own my own shit.
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/2.2 | 1/200 | ISO 200
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017
Dominic’s First Loaf
Jenny heard that Dominic started getting into baking last fall and got him a bread maker for Christmas. What a great gift! I thought school started back on Tuesday so I got the kids up at 6:30 a.m. and they were ready to go waiting for the bus at 7:15 a.m. We waited and waited and waited. Finally at 7:30, I called dispatch and it rang and rang and rang. I got to thinking, “Am I sure school was supposed to go back today?” and checked the school calendar. D’oh! School started on Wednesday. The kids were happy to have an impromptu day off but I felt terrible for getting them up for nothing. It did give Dominic time to make his first loaf of bread though. He took about half of it to school to share with his friends and teachers the next day. It made amazing toast… it was delicious.
Nikon D750 | 20mm | f/2.2 | 1/200 | ISO 800
Do you have any resolutions? I’m curious what would be on your Bucket List for 2017? Curtis and I want to take some dance lessons and I also want us to go on a vineyard and wine-tasting tour. We celebrate our 20th anniversary this year and are planning on a trip to Italy at the beginning of summer. Dominic doesn’t have anything for his Bucket List yet but I just shared the idea with him tonight. I’ll let you know when we get Anna on a train, that should be pretty cool.
Happy New Year, y’all!