I’M BACK!!! Yes!!!
After three months of preparing for or recovering from multiple surgeries, I am finally feeling better. My body is healing and I’m taking it easy while slowly regaining my stamina. It wasn’t until I transitioned off of the heavy-duty pain medicine this weekend that I finally felt like myself again. I woke up Monday morning to the first freeze here in the Hill Country and I actually wanted to pick up my camera. It felt so good to shoot again! I’ll share more in the next few days, but this one really grabbed me. This doe, with the cold wind wrapping around her… the motion of the cold breeze frozen in action… just spoke to my soul. My family likes this in color, but I prefer the purity of black and white… the texture, the lines, the bokeh, the details… I can feel every part of this image. I hope you can too.
Nikon D750 | 105mm | f/8 | 1/400 | ISO 400
Thank you all for your patience. In the deepest, darkest moments of my recovery, I was truly depressed, withdrawn, and wanted to hide. It’s hard to be sick, it’s hard to let others do your work and to not take care of your responsibilities, it’s hard to show weakness and vulnerability. I was really lost for a while there and it scared me. Everything was complicated even more so by my sweet Booski’s really rough start to the school year. It was the worst 10 weeks for both of us… I can’t even begin to talk about it. But I will eventually. My family and friends stayed with me through it and I will address my gratitude more eloquently on Thanksgiving, but here is a quick acknowledgement to them. My heart is full and my soul is lucky to be surrounded by so much love.
Thanks for looking. <3